>Your post is interesting. There must be a bug somewhere and I hope Papyrus
>is looking into it. Obviously some are having success but many others
>aren't. It's not my connection. I've always had great success with online
>play. If they had released a demo with multi play ability they might have
>found these problems before the release of the full game.
I'm not sure we can even say that it's not your connection since it
may well end up being that. Perhaps it is not so stable, occasional
spike or whatever. It certainly seems that the same people have the
same problems, and since others have the same version of GPL and see
none it must be too do with how GPL interacts with each person's
hardware and internet connection.
Have you tried leaving Pingplotter running for a while and pointing at
Randy's server, perhaps that Mike give some idea of connection
stability or any problems? I know I have experienced problems with GPL
online, sometimes it's just impossible to join a race with even three
people. OTOH I've joined the Papy Cup races and several races on Ken
or Randy's servers with 14-20 people and had no problems at all -
that's from Europe with a 28.8 modem during peak time.
I've certainly encountered the odd problem, but the majority of the
time the racing is incredible. Some investigation into the
inconsistencies would certainly help though. I'm sure there's some
logic to why connects are good and why some are bad, but thus far we
don't know what it is. I can well understand that it would be very
frustrating if the connect tended to be bad.