GPL worth it? part 2


GPL worth it? part 2

by GRUd » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I'm more a racing fan than a computer fan, so I don't have the latest hardware.
 I have an AMD K6 200Mhz with no 3D card.  The only game I play is GP2.  For
me, going to GPL means buying a 3D card and upgrading my processor.  This could
mean $400 or more including buying GPL.  Is it still worth it?  I was wondering
if I should wait to see what requrements GP3 might have.  Any opinions?
John Moor

GPL worth it? part 2

by John Moor » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

If you act fast you can drop in a celeron 300a / abit bh6 mobo for as little as
$160, this combo will rin gpl fine at 300, and is awesome at 450! which can be
acheived about 85-90% of the time, almost 100% to 374. You'll need a new case too,
as little as $45, and 64 megs of ram. It is well worth the money, once you drive
gpl at a constant 36fps with all the eye candy you will be glad you stepped up.

> I'm more a racing fan than a computer fan, so I don't have the latest hardware.
>  I have an AMD K6 200Mhz with no 3D card.  The only game I play is GP2.  For
> me, going to GPL means buying a 3D card and upgrading my processor.  This could
> mean $400 or more including buying GPL.  Is it still worth it?  I was wondering
> if I should wait to see what requrements GP3 might have.  Any opinions?

Don Burnett

GPL worth it? part 2

by Don Burnett » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

For sure, after doing the below and having it overclocked to 450, GPL is a
whole new sim for me, it's awesome.

Don Burnette
Palmetto Racing
Dburn on Ten

>If you act fast you can drop in a celeron 300a / abit bh6 mobo for as
little as
>$160, this combo will rin gpl fine at 300, and is awesome at 450! which can
>acheived about 85-90% of the time, almost 100% to 374. You'll need a new
case too,
>as little as $45, and 64 megs of ram. It is well worth the money, once you
>gpl at a constant 36fps with all the eye candy you will be glad you stepped

Paul Jone

GPL worth it? part 2

by Paul Jone » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Yes, my friend, it is still worth it,

> I'm more a racing fan than a computer fan, so I don't have the latest hardware.
>  I have an AMD K6 200Mhz with no 3D card.  The only game I play is GP2.  For
> me, going to GPL means buying a 3D card and upgrading my processor.  This could
> mean $400 or more including buying GPL.  Is it still worth it?  I was wondering
> if I should wait to see what requrements GP3 might have.  Any opinions?


GPL worth it? part 2

by Jack » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Man! I had no idea this setup was so inexpensive! And GPL performance is
comparable to a PII-450 when overclocked?

John, can you please give us a few good sources for these goodies and sites
that we can visit for more information?

At these prices, I might have to build a GPL machine for my wife!


GPL worth it? part 2

by SteveBla » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Ditto on the 450 Celery route.  Cheap and FAST; kinda like an old girlfriend of
mine, but that's another..........
Pretty much ANY new game's going to want a good 3D card and more ooomph from
the cpu, so go for it.

Steve B.

remove "edy" from address for email

John Moor

GPL worth it? part 2

by John Moor » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

It definitely performs as well as a pII450, only a few percentage points slower
on business apps, a bit faster in most games. You
must know that intel has stopped producing the celeron 300a so the supply is
drying up really fast, you need to get on it asap. Read
up on it at anandtech.  For price and sourcing go to Read up at
the overclockers forum. You should search ebay
as well, I have no experience with this auction stuff, beware. As for the video
card definitely go with the hercules thriller 8meg,
agp is recommended over the agp.  FYI either abit mobo, bx6 or bh6, allows you
to o/c by changing the setup in software during
the boot up, super easy. As for the case check this site out. It would be
really nice to add a 128meg chip of pc100 ram too.
Just a reminder, case $86, mobo $97, celery $ 61, subtotal $244, video $111,
ram $156 total  just over $500, this system will run so
fast, GPL with everything on, all cars, all graphics gets you high 20's fps on
the grid and 36+ ( gpl's max) before you get 2nd gear,
it really is nice, highly recommended.

> Man! I had no idea this setup was so inexpensive! And GPL performance is
> comparable to a PII-450 when overclocked?

> John, can you please give us a few good sources for these goodies and sites
> that we can visit for more information?

> At these prices, I might have to build a GPL machine for my wife!

Arto Wik

GPL worth it? part 2

by Arto Wik » Sun, 07 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I think it is still worth of it. Definetely!
Also I am a great lover of GP2, and the only sim better really is GPL.
Go to it. You'll not regret!


Mike Rodrigue

GPL worth it? part 2

by Mike Rodrigue » Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Heh heh.

If you're an old fart like me, you'll no doubt remember all the bullsh*t we
had to listen to from Geoff/not-Geoff concerning the state of GP2. New
rumors were daily coming straight from the development team, and the release
date kept being pushed back and back and back.

When it did finally release, the graphics engine it used were hardly state
of the art, and there were a few quirky things I absolutely hated. The "Spin
Cycle" being the most prominent. I'm sure al GP2-ers know EXACTLY what I

The moral? Don't wait for GP3. It will be quite some time in the future, and
unless they get some really new *** in there, I don't think it will
measure up (relatively speaking) to the Standards of excellence that GPL has
set today.

And before you flame me for dissing GP2, know that I was happily spending my
friday nights racing in our F1GP series with five people here at my house,
and five more at my neighbor's house. When we (finally) got GP2, 6 of us die
hards kept the series going until just last year.

Mike R
Avetikus Racing

>I'm more a racing fan than a computer fan, so I don't have the latest
> I have an AMD K6 200Mhz with no 3D card.  The only game I play is GP2.
>me, going to GPL means buying a 3D card and upgrading my processor.  This
>mean $400 or more including buying GPL.  Is it still worth it?  I was
>if I should wait to see what requrements GP3 might have.  Any opinions?

Wolfgang Prei

GPL worth it? part 2

by Wolfgang Prei » Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>I'm more a racing fan than a computer fan, so I don't have the latest hardware.
> I have an AMD K6 200Mhz with no 3D card.  The only game I play is GP2.  For
>me, going to GPL means buying a 3D card and upgrading my processor.  This could
>mean $400 or more including buying GPL.  Is it still worth it?  I was wondering
>if I should wait to see what requrements GP3 might have.  Any opinions?

In addition to what everybody else said (and I agree, it is worth it,
if you like auto sims!), if you want a machine for GP3, you might as
well buy as much CPU horsepower as you can get, judging from previous
experience. Unless Mr. Crammond has changed his ways of coding
considerably, GP3 will require a killer machine to run smoothly. :)
BTW, GP2 will also still get better and better with a faster computer.

If you want to go the Slot 1 Celeron 300a route, you should hurry,
since it looks as if Intel is phasing out that product in favor of the
new socket 370 Celeron, which will not be (as) overclockable anymore.

Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.

Michael E. Carve

GPL worth it? part 2

by Michael E. Carve » Wed, 10 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Pure rumor, but from reliable sources...

Geoff has (this time around), opted to hire professional coders and is
concetrating on the "physics" and design rather than doing it all himself
(top to bottom).

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

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