turning the wheel to one side, pulling handbrake and releasing gas at
the same time, and dropping the handbrake after the first 180 part of
the turn.
But with the GT1, you have to turn the wheel the other side halfway,
else it doesn't work. Besides, it's easier this way too.
You can do some very cool driving this way!
>halfway around you turn the wheel back to the left.
>David G Fisher
>> I noticed that at high speed a 360 is easy, but the distance from
>> the, ehhh... how do you call it, that plastic thing you have to drive
>> around... to the turn zone is way too short to get enough speed...
>> Andre
>> On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 19:04:22 GMT, "Tony Rickard"
>> >"rrevved" wrote
>> >> I am having that same problem right now. I can't get enough speed
>> >> in the allotted time, and the hand brake usually gives me a 180 or
>> >> less.
>> >Wait for later on then!