> Actually, I do run a p90 with a Diamond Stealth w 2megs, and get a very
> good frame rate. Speed of the processor has little to do with frame rate.
> It is available ram on the video card that has more to do with the frame
> rate. My card is not a rendition card, but is still fast enough to get 25
> or better fps with just a few of the details off. I cannot use the
> texture/grass setting, but other than a few exceptions(night race at
> Bristol) I can run very acceptable rates with most details on. A 486/66
> will run good frame rates with a decent video card. I plan on getting a
> rendition card, but to upgrade my processor would be overkill, because it
> really won't help frame rates at all.
amount of video memory has nothing to do with video performance. Video
memory only enables higher resolutions and higher color depths. The
chipset of the video card is probably the single most important factor
in the peak performance that is possible, but you have to have enough
processing power to reach that peak. A P133 with a Matrox Mystique
struggles to maintain 25fps with most of the detail turned off so I
don't think you are measuring properly. If you have a considerable
amount of detail on you are probably getting about 20fps. There is a
huge difference between 20fps and 30fps which is possible on most
machines with a Rendition card.
Dana Bailes