Resolution question


Resolution question

by Sondo » Tue, 15 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I recently built a PII 400 system with a Diamond S220 and a Diamond Monster
II 12mb.
I would like to run N2 in windows with a resolution above 60.  Both cards
are only giving me 60.  My prior system was a P133 with a CL V1000 rendition
chip and I was getting 120 on the resolution. Same 17" monitor.  Any ideas
would be greatly appreciated.  And for what its worth the 3DFX version
smokes the rendition version, and yes I used the DMA switch for the 220.
Had I known about the patch I probably would have purchased a different card
other than the 220.  But I got it for $49 so what the heck.  Thanks again.

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