I find small fonts / 96dpi too small
Do most people use the large font size / 120dpi?
Custom font size possibly?
Skotty Flynn
"skotty" on WON
Skotty Flynn
"skotty" on WON
Chuck Kandler #70
ChuckK or KS70 on Won.net
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!
>> What "display" font size do you set your computer at for 1024x768?
>> I find small fonts / 96dpi too small
>> Do most people use the large font size / 120dpi?
>> Custom font size possibly?
>> Curious....
>> TIA!
>Got a 17" ViewSonic here running 1024x768. And yes, I use the standard
>small fonts in W98SE. I find there are some programs out there that
>have problems when you're set to large fonts.
For Windows, you might try increasing just the element you are interested in
within the display properties appearance settings. Some programs allow for
their own display font sizes as well. I have also heard that running a
larger font can***up the display in some programs, but I have never
tried it. I use 1024x768 on this 21" monitor because 1280x1024 looks too
small to me in Windows.
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> Mike.
> > What "display" font size do you set your computer at for 1024x768?
> > I find small fonts / 96dpi too small
> > Do most people use the large font size / 120dpi?
> > Custom font size possibly?
> > Curious....
> > TIA!
> > Skotty Flynn
> > http://www.nascar-racing-sims.com
> > "skotty" on WON
I use 'big fonts', small fonts are too small for me...
> >> What "display" font size do you set your computer at for 1024x768?
> >> I find small fonts / 96dpi too small
> >> Do most people use the large font size / 120dpi?
> >> Custom font size possibly?
> >> Curious....
> >> TIA!
> >Got a 17" ViewSonic here running 1024x768. And yes, I use the standard
> >small fonts in W98SE. I find there are some programs out there that
> >have problems when you're set to large fonts.
> "small" 75 dpi fonts. Talk about small sometimes! Ack! Especially in
> Netscape with the well-known font uglification problem.
Chuck Kandler #70
ChuckK or KS70 on Won.net
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!
Your best resources for getting this support are:
create dir /usr/share/fonts/ttf
copy ttf fonts to use to /usr/share/fonts/ttf/
$cd /usr/share/fonts/ttf
$/usr/sbin/ttmkfdir -o fonts.dir
$/usr/sbin/chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/ttf
$/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart
> Yes!! The fonts in Linux Netscape do take some getting used to! I went thru all
> the fonts in the preferences menu & basically had to choose the lesser of 2 evils.
> I can certainly identify.