>>I have just bought F1RS and I am finding it quite hard compared to GP2. I
>>find it easiest with the view set to furtherst away from the***pit. It
>>seems far more tricky when driving "in the***pit".
>Actually with practice it is no more difficult than GP2, and in fact easier
>in many ways. Mainly because IMHO the physics are better and you
>have much more control.
Couldn't agree more. I found that F1RS***pit view driving, after a
small amount of practice, feels more realistic to me than GP2, even
though GP2 is still a fine piece of work. I've done a bit of
closed-wheel racing, and F1RS just seems to give that extra bit of
realism to me. Of course, the entire issue really comes down to
subjective preference, IMO.
Yes,***pit view is the only way to drive F1RS, IMO. It's the basic
difference between sim vs. arcade, and if you agree that F1RS is a
fine sim, then stay in the***pit when you're at the wheel. No
***pit view was the single reason why I didn't buy Psygnosis' F1.
Also, I've found that once I've crashed during an F1RS race (frequent
occurance so far), it's still fun to watch some/all of the rest of the
race from the various external views.
Dave Mack
(remove "nospamfor_" for correspondence)