> Tough question..........
> <snip>
GP2 -was- a classic that I had a lot of respect for but never really
enjoyed much. I come off a Papy sim - and the same now goes for Ubisoft
- having had a good time. And that, in the end, is what it's all
about. I have no idea why GP2 didn't grab me by the gonads like the
others, because God knows it was a hell of a piece of work.
Possibilities, though, may have been that I could never get to use kerbs
(can in F1RS), wierd slo-mo when framerate dropped, and if the car
decided it was going to spin, it was gonna.
I'd like to point out are that in GP2, if you play with the keyboard,
you can't switch off steering help. This makes the car almost drive
itself, which is a bore. The aids in F1RS are nothing like as
intrusive, which leads me to...
Multiplayer. Split screen works. I play with the keyboard (no
substitute for the T2, but it's usable), my friend uses the gamepad and
we have a blast. Now you couldn't do -that- in GP2! Also, I plug the
T2 back in and the settings are remembered - phew.
Reading, UK