I dont know who you are, so dont assume I think your the fastest nor the
slower driver...
but it is possible he was that much better driver than you? 2nd, if it was
his setup, by any chance, he also might know the line or even just be more
aware of where the perfect line is. 3rd, if you start out too fast and
happy, you burn the tires up a lot faster than those wo can save some tires
in the beginning of a run... the post patch readme says so, and every bit
of talking to other setup tweakers agree, tire-wear is a huge issue to build
setups OR drive a certain way in fixed setup racing. LAST, You running aids
now? nowdays I believe aids slow you down a touch. Your milage may vary,
but it is a hunch now that is being sort of proven, with fixed setups (not
the fast that was given with the game.. but has been noticed with PWF
expert sets).
Just my observations...
Drop the driving aids and try again :-)
> Yep,
> Drop the driving aids and try again :-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
2 car draft? Sounds like a TallyTona race going on there. I thought NASCAR
was at Martinsville last week and Atlanta this week? (sorry, SS races just
plain suck, just a mild jab, get out of the SS races and newb/cheater factor
will drop exponentially)
Yes, people *can* drive better than other people and milk more and faster
laps out of a car by driving the *right* line and not burning up their
tires. Yes, driving aids will hurt you if you are racing people who can and
do drive without them.
I guess I am trying to say that I have seen people in above board leagues
leave me and the pack behind in fixed <fast> setups, and I have seen myself
leave a pack behind in <fast> setup fixed races. It's all in the technique
at the particular track. At SS's, a 2 car draft is marginal for running down
a single car and won't work if a) either of you have aero damage and b) you
aren't tucked absolutely nose to tail, which is inherently dangerous in
online racing, but is THE way to draft if you have a partner that you trust
and trusts you to run literally rubbing on the rear bumper at speed.
Is it possible to cheat? Absolutely. There are ways to cheat that are not
'checked at the Sierra door'. But why would someone cheat at a drafting
track? There are a gazzillion SS races up every night so surely cheating to
win one has to be a fairly low priority. All one has to do to win a pickup
drafting race is Q good and stay away from the wreckers, usually. If *I*
were going to cheat, I'd fix tire wear and traction issues at Martinsville,
Bristol or the road courses. And of course, I would juice up the traction so
I could turn better at the flat tracks, Vegas, Cali, Homestead, Louden, et
al. Cheating at a plate track has to be like using a springboard to dunk a
basketball, fun the first time, but the lack of challenge makes it pretty
boring everytime thereafter IMO.
Aaron Markham
EL, bud... don't think that every one like you uses AIDS.
Gerry Aitken?
...and a friend shall lose a friend's hammer. - Book of Cyril, chapter
6, verse 16
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