So what you are saying is the ACM helps out if the software "sucks"?
Actually the bios (atleast those in my computers), and probably other
early joystick methods considers a reading above ~512 to be a timeout
and reports a 0.
N2 has a few different ways of reading the Joystick.
The Pentium method which uses the RTSCD (sp) which reports the exact
clock cycles.
Another method which appears to use the timer normally used for the
onboard speaker.
and finally a call to the Bios.
If your Win95 joystick drivers aren't proper it's possible to end up
using the bios.
I ran into that problem trying to help a friend.
Less "exact" only applies if the (noise level)/range without the ACM is
larger than for with the ACM.
Again, if your reading bounces back and forth between some point plus or
minus 1 unit with a range of 200 units, and mine bounces back and forth
between some point plus or minus 5 units with a range of 1000 units then
we have the SAME "exactness"
I agree it needs to be massaged, just not to the 0-300, I would think
something more like 0-100% but a unit may not represent 1%. It may be a
0.25% units.
The other word for "massage" would be scaled.
Just because they are massaged doesn't mean that have to be averaged, or
Averaging, or "tossing" implies lowering the effective sample rate.
If you put your throttle at 75%, doesn't your method conclude you are
effectivly at 75% (or 225 in your 0-300 range).
I would get a reading of 1250 in my range of 500-1500.
I've got a P5-166, a rendition, and a SB16.
My range is actually something like 300-1300 for the wheel.
The needle bounces about 1-2 units plus or minus.
The factor that is unknown (to us mear mortals) is the resolution of the
physics model.
How many unique steering wheel positions are there considered for
programs like N1, N2, ICR2, etc.
If they happen to scale into a floating point number, the more
resolution of the controller the better.
If you read what Thrustmasters gives as reasons for why the ACM helps it
has to do with problems related to inferior hardware. i.e. heat
problems. *IF* ACM helps out for N2, ICR2, etc, it's not because of the
range of the joystick, but because of the Military spec parts used.
Each week I improve over my previous times. But this is due to Setup
adjustments, and seat time.
When we can finally get a decient online race, we will get a new target
to shoot for.
Fast enough to keep close without burning up the tires hoping to pass
when the other's cars fade.
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
> Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=