I picked it up sometime late last year in a little software store for $10 US.
The orginal game, still wrapped, with sunglasses (cheap-o brand) included with
the game! Needless to say it's still in the wrapper sitting on my shelf, I'll
save it, there's nothing wrong with my other copy :)
>>DO you all think $20 is a resonable price for the first game. That was
>>the price from chips and bits this summer. I am sure it has dropped
>>since gp2s release. Is it worth it, I thaught it might be fun but is it
>>comparable to gp2?
>I think F1GP is certainly worth $20 if you haven't got it yet, its around
>5-10 pounds here. You'll notice the graphics and car handling are very
>simlistic compared to GP2, but I played it non-stop for 3 years so it
>can't be all bad!.
>World Motor Sport Schedules - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~n6151060
San Diego, CA
"When things are made idiot-proof,"
"Then the world will make better idiots."