I am a proud owner of a Thriller 8meg PCI card. From my experience, it
rocks!! I am running it on a P200, 64 meg SD-Ram, computer. In Nascar2 I
run with ALL graphics "on", drawing all 39 cars, and the only time my frame
rate drops below 30fps is at the start of a race. BTW, that is within Win
'98, not rebooting to DOS.
I also run ICR2 on the Thriller card. There is a patch that is necessary to
run ICR2 with any of the V2X00 cards, and it's available on my web site.
ICR2 requires more patchwork than most programs (no patching for N2
required), because it was a very early Rendition game.
(click on the ICR2 button)
The Thriller card also does very good Direct 3-D (faster frame rates than my
Pure 3-d card (3dfx), and I have not run into any conflicts with it. There
were some early driver problems, but they are much, much, better now. :-)
Be sure to hit the Hercules web site for the latest drivers if you get a
Thriller. BTW, it is stable in Win '98 too.
My "reply" e-mail address has been changed to
deter spammers. My real address is:
scanguy "at" home.com
>I have finally managed to get those both Papyrus sims and now I would
>like to have a 3D Rendition card to get everything out of these sims.
>Which Rendition chips/display adapters are compatible with those two
>sims? Is Hercules Thriller (2D/3D with Rendition V2200) a safe choice?
>I have now P133 PCI, 32 Mb RAM and ET4000 W32p PCI.
> Marko