> I found a helping hand, all is fine now!!!
> To Dave: I know you from GPL newsgroups from the early beginnings til now,
> so I know, you would love F1C. The feeling of the track is much better than
> in F12002. And today, I prefer it for GPL.
I have it on good authority that the GTR2002-X mod for F1C has one
serious problem (unless it has been corrected in the last week): The
.pm and .hdv files are nearly identical to the F1 car files. Imagine
the handling of a 2500 lb. front-engine F1 car pretending to be a
Ferrari 550. :-/
This can be corrected, at the cost of about 1/2 hour per car and some
careful tweaking. Seems like it'd be a lot of work for an unsupported