Hey Bob,
Interesting posting. But the truth is.. if you bought NASCAR 3 and NO ONE
ELSE bought it. You would be able to play it online and we would not. That
is not fair of Papyrus!!! It is an upgrade... (Upgrade: defined as having
the same original code base) and yet they expect the consumer to pay 50
dollars for it. Is it worth it at that price?! HELL NO! But you bought
it.. why? because you don't have a choice like the rest of us. Papyrus
chose to keep the same engine.. .why? Probably because Sierra is falling
apart at the seams (when's the last time any has seen a new Leisure Suit
Larry Game? or King's Quest game?).
Papy created a product that is clearly an upgrade.. not a new product, just
an upgrade of their previous product. Then.. they make it so that if I
refuse to buy Nascar 3... and my friend does buy Nascar 3... can you play
Nascar 99 against Nascar 3 online?!?! NO!!!! That is BS!
You try to make valid points that the consumer has a choice... well.. hate
to tell ya but. The consumer does NOT have a choice, they are given
ultimatims.. not choices. What would happen if you have Windows 95.. and
Windows 98 comes out and suddenly you are forced to buy Windows 98 because
nothing works with Windows 95 anymore? That's what happened with Nascar 99
& 3.. suddenly everyone has to redo their tracks, cars, setups, etc...
Papyrus didn't HAVE to do this.. they CHOSE to make it this way to FORCE
Bob, I'm not cutting you down, by I work in the software development
industry and that's the way the cookie crumbles. Papyrus cheated alot of
consumers for the all mighty buck. Quit defending Papyrus... ever since they
started with Sierra, they have been manipulated into making inferior
products. I'm sure they have the talent to create products better than they
have. Do I have to mention how much SODA Off Road Racing sucks?!
Considering Papyrus has only ONE GAME they work on.. NASCAR, you would think
they would be having alot better products than they are offering.
That B.S. about Papyrus creating NASCAR 2000 with the GPL engine, and then
stating that computers couldn't handle it?! THAT'S B.S.!!!!!! If computers
of today couldn't handle it.. how in the hell did they make it?? Does
Papyrus only use Kryotech 1 GHz computers with 2GB of 1ns RAM?!?! Why in
the hell would they spend time and money creating a product... and then put
our an anouncement saying it's better than the computers can handle. Gee...
"we are such GREAT programmers that we created something that won't run fast
enough on your computer"... TRANSLATION: "We suck soooo bad that we can't
write code good enough to run on anything, so rather than figuring out how
to write better code, we'll just wait a year for a better computer"
I bought NASCAR 3, only because my friend was going to buy it... I didn't
really want to, but I HAD NO CHOICE if I want to continue racing Nascar
against him. It is possible to allow Nascar 3 owners to race against Nascar
99 owners, Papyrus just didn't want to work 'too hard'.
ARGH!! I hate defenders of computer games!!