I have a confession to make...
Right now, in the other room, in the CD drive of my wife's computer, is a COPIED
cd of JumpStart Baby. I made the copy the same day I bought the CD, before I
even installed the game on the computer. When the FBI comes to my door to haul
me off to prison for being a software pirate, I will have to tell them the same
thing I am telling you:
My soon-to-be two year old daughter loves to push the 'open' button on the CD
drive on my wife's computer. In fact, she loves to push the 'open' buttons on
both my regular CD drive and my CDRW, too, my computer is just harder to get at.
Sometimes, is there is a CD in the drive (like perhaps Jumpstart Baby..because
she is playing with it) and sometimes she takes the CD out.
I don't know if the 2 year olds around your house understand the concept of
"proper handling and storage", but mine doesn't. Her idea of proper handling
and storage includes rubbing the CD on herself, on the desk, on the computer, on
the monitor, on the floor and across the gritty kitchen floor, data side down.
It also includes biting the CD, putting it in oatmeal or yogurt, leaving it
around for one of the dogs to "investigate", pushing it under the refrigerator
and once, even dropping it through the spaces between the planks on the 2nd
floor deck so it fell to the concrete 12 feet below, where I found it about 3
days later. The original of that particular CD now hangs when it tries to read
the disk because it has a bunch of deep scratches and divots on it, so I use the
COPY I made to run the program I bought.
Since I am aware that she does this, I copy all the CDs I buy as soon as I get
them. I try not to leave CDs in the drives on any of the computers so as to
minimize the chance that she will 'handle and store' them in her own special
way. Who exactly am I ripping off by protecting my investment this way? I
learned my lesson long ago with a new computer that had a funky floppy drive. I
installed all of my favorite software on it, including Visual C+1.5, trueSpace
2, and a partition with OS/2 Warp, all using diskettes. The floppy drive ruined
every diskette I put in it while it read them. Because I never copied the
diskettes and installed from the originals, I lost all that software. I swore
that would never happen again, and now it won't because I legally copy every CD
I buy. CDs are nothing more than another form of data storage, and if it is and
was legal to copy diskettes, it is legal to copy CDs.
blah blah blah.
> > Why is everyone assuming this guy is burning illegal copies of the game? You
> > all say to support Papy and all that stuff but that doesn't mean he isn't. I
> > make backup copies of all my favorite games and store them in a safe place
> > just because I _always_ misplace a CD for a decent amount of time.
> > --
> > Tony
> Yeah, right. And I've got a bridge for sale...
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