Agree that this is the spiritual successor to the red Momo, but still glad
to see it. Some of us are A) too cheap to go ECCI/TSW, B) converts to FF
even if we weren't cheapskates, and C) a lot easier on equipment than
others! ;-) Not spending so much time at the wheel these days, so I'd
expect it to last quite long enough given my experience with other Logi
products. From the PR copy, it looks like they've addressed the primary
issues I have with the DFP (FF lag and gear slack, too-small wheel size and
lousy ergonomics), and added some nice touches like the H-pattern shifter
and clutch with metal pedals (who knows, they might finally have a set worth
I'm most interested to see how much the 2-motor solution helps in resolving
the lag issue that makes the wheel feel so dead around neutral loads or when
the forces on the wheel change direction. Pretty much unavoidable with one
small motor using a large gear reduction like the DFP, so using two opposing
motors should help that a lot and really improve the resolution of the FF.
Yeah, there will still be a big hole between the G25 and the likes of the
Speed 7; Logitech are mass-marketers after all, so no one should be
expecting them to be Dave Thomas. But I would think the G25 will make a
much better platform for outfits like FrexGP to mod and provide parts for
than current offerings, so they could help fill the gap. And you never
know; it's five months till the holiday shopping season (Oct.), and if
Logitech thinks that price point's worth occupying again, maybe some others
will too.
Probably good it's not out yet; means I'm $300 richer than I would be
otherwise... ;-)