Without proper internet support, I would have knocked another 20 points
off right away. It's not enough to have patchable, choppy play anymore.
This, plus the "speed" adjustment thing you mentioned, removes this game
from contention for me.
Thanks for the review!
> Well, I've finally put in enough hours and research in to get a
> detailed review done, so here it is:
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Please also note that for those who are interested but don't know
> where to get it, I have listed that as well.
> Finally, there are good discussions on http://www.racesimcentral.net/ in
> the Super 1 Karting forum, such as how to fix some of the steering
> problems.
> Enjoy the review, whether you agree or disagree :)
> Randy Magruder
> Digital Sportspage
> (yes still alive and kickin' )