For those who missed it in the "Papyrus it's no longer 98 thread" (I
almost missed it)
here is the post from Papyrus general amanger-Adam Levesque:
Okay all, I am sorry about the lack of information from Papyrus in
this newsgroup as of late. What I have found in the past is that it
becomes a no win situation. If we say it's going to be done by x date
and then it misses that date, we are screamed at for missing the date.
If we don't say anything thing, we are screamed at for not saying
anything. That's the reason we have been reluctant to say anything
about the N2 3DFX patch on this group.
Having said that, here is the scoop. We are still working on the
patch. There is no *** with Rendition to not complete this
patch. And, there is not effort on Papyrus' part to take all the
credit for the patch. Andy at 3DFX has done a tremendous job.
Without his effort, this patch would not even be on the table.
We are in the last stages of getting this patch done. Andy is still
working on some issues which we hope to have complete soon. No, I
won't give you a date because I don't have one. When we have done all
we can with the patch, we will release it. Sorry for the silence and
the delay but trust me when I say it is coming. Thanks.
Adam Levesque
General Manager
The Game Pad