on my HD for the past year, but I didn't have time to really
learn the sim, and GPL just isn't much fun to play "casually").
Anyway, I have applied the 1.2 patch, loaded several
enhancements (tracks from Dave Noonan, car models, etc...) and I
just love this sim! I now spend my days and nights (when not
playing GPL) thinking about car setups and replaying laps in my
head trying to determine how to shave a few seconds off the
times. In a word, I am ***ed. Well, at least I have a
vacation week from work next week! :o)
Now I would like to try the next step - Online racing. I have
installed WinVROC and updated the ini file to point to the
correct IP address, but I have not been able to connect to any
races. When I run WinVROC, the chat feature works fine, and I
do get a list of race servers. But the "Ping" column for the
servers remains empty (is this normal?), and I cannot connect to
any of them (the Join button remains grayed out). Also, my Host
button is always grayed out (Again, not sure if this is normal
or I am doing something wrong). At the bottome of the WinVROC
screen, I get a message stating "connecting to WinVROC host,
please wait..." (or something to that effect). That message
never goes away. So if anyone can steer me in the right
direction, I would REALLY appreciate it! Thanks in advance!!
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