1280*960, and GPL set to 1024*768.
But, if I join a race from WinVROC, GPL starts full screen and ignores the
Rasterizer option.
Any way to run in GPL in a window when launched from WinVROC?
But, if I join a race from WinVROC, GPL starts full screen and ignores the
Rasterizer option.
Any way to run in GPL in a window when launched from WinVROC?
There is an option in the WinVROC hosting
options screen, which overrides the core.ini
at least on my system there is, and works.
server settings, mark "run gpl in a window"
Thanks very much. I am not home right now, but will look for that WinVROC option
>There is an option in the WinVROC hosting
>options screen, which overrides the core.ini
>at least on my system there is, and works.
>server settings, mark "run gpl in a window"
>> I can run GPL in a window when I launch it directly. I have the main
>desktop at
>> 1280*960, and GPL set to 1024*768.
>> But, if I join a race from WinVROC, GPL starts full screen and ignores the
>> Rasterizer option.
>> Any way to run in GPL in a window when launched from WinVROC?
>> Keith.
should have read more carefully, sorry, but i never thought
of racing in a window; thinking of windowed mode, only
running a server comes to my mind.