> >First off a small correction. Theres swedish, german, australian and probably
> >a few more touring car series in the world.
> >F1 drivers sure get paid more. But I think that there are two kinds of
> >drivers. Those who go for wealth and fame, and those who go for a kind of
> >racing they enjoy. I can clearly see how the latter kind would go to touring
> >cars, rallycross or other kinds of racing and stay with them - even if they
> >could move on to formula cars - just since that's the kind of racing they want
> >to do.
> You really think a TC driver would turn down a F1 ride making minimum
> 2-3 M a year for a TC ride making $100K to 500K a year.
As can be seen by anyone with the ability to read, yes I do. Not everyone
views their bank balance as the sole point of their existence.
We could argue the issue of how many percent of the TC drivers who would be
willing to switch over if given the opportunity until kingdom come and not get
anywhere. Most, many, some, few... Doesn't matter, as long as not ALL would. I
don't think all would, and I in fact doesn't think most would either. Either
way, I've made my point. What point are you trying to make?
What part was it that was hard to understand?
Again, I can't see what part was hard to get. The trickiest word being
'convinced' I think that's a sentence most ppl should be able to grasp.
Well, that depends. I live on planet Earth, orbiting the star Sol. From your
responses I take it you don't. What is your location? And how did you tap into
Somebody, get on the phone to Goonhilly, Cape Canaveral, Woomera and Jodrell
bank. We've made extraterrestrial contact! :D