> Oh, come on, think about what you are saying. Surely you are joking
> right. Though I don't see any smileys. Touring car drivers are better
> than F1 drivers?? Let's be logical about this shall we. I don't know
> what Touring car drivers get paid, but I would imagine that F1 drivers
> probably get paid at least 5 times the amount that a Touring car driver
> receives - remember F1 is a global business whilst Touring cars takes
> place in the UK. So why, if it's obvious that they are the best drivers
> around, aren't F1 teams offering them truck loads of cash to come and
> drive in F1. I mean, surely the F1 personell can see this, or are you
> claiming to be the only enlightened one.
> I'm sure that every Touring car driver's dream would be to race in F1
> given the chance, so don't tell me that they are still racing Touring
> cars because they prefer it.
First off a small correction. Theres swedish, german, australian and probably
a few more touring car series in the world.
F1 drivers sure get paid more. But I think that there are two kinds of
drivers. Those who go for wealth and fame, and those who go for a kind of
racing they enjoy. I can clearly see how the latter kind would go to touring
cars, rallycross or other kinds of racing and stay with them - even if they
could move on to formula cars - just since that's the kind of racing they want
to do.
Add to that the politics of F1 and you have a lot of really good drivers who
for some reason don't get to drive, while relatively bad drivers end up in the
I am totally convinced that a lot of the very best drivers are outside of the
formula car circus.
Yes, I'm telling you these guys are still racing touring cars since they
prefer it. :)
My Buck O'two,