I guess the short answer is, I would put the monster2 back in.
P.S. - Before anyone asks, I do not wish to get rid of the STB yet, I am
looking at a second monitor setup... has anyone tried that yet?
> If you like GPL, I would put the monster2 in there. I just won an STB
> Velocity 4400 (Same Chipset as your V550). I am probably going to take it
> out and put my Diamond Monster Fusion back in until someone fixes the TNT's
> OpenGL drivers, because my framerates are no longer even close to constant
> 36 FPS. There is a fix to improve the framerate, but it is annoying. It
> updates a different part of the mirrors each frame, so they are fully
> updated every 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 frames, depending on the setting. If I
> didn't have the Fusion, I could live with the mirrors this way, but since I
> have the fusion, I am going to use it.
> I guess the short answer is, I would put the monster2 back in.
> Charlie
> P.S. - Before anyone asks, I do not wish to get rid of the STB yet, I am
> looking at a second monitor setup... has anyone tried that yet?
> >i just bought a new p450 today w/ a v550. will i need to install my old
> >monster2 w/ 8mb ram or will the v550 be better since it has 15mb.
> >any thoughts would be appreciated.