Thanks to everyone who emailed and posted on this subject.
I should have mentioned that I knew that I needed a new case =) It will
not fit in my gateway case.
Im also waiting for the Hercules Thriller 3D to see how that is and
match that up with a new Voodoo2 chipset card when they come out. I
currently have a crappy RageII 3D.
Also... the reason for my upgrade is generally to handle future ***
needs better and an attempt to stay somewhat in the middle of the pack
in technical performance. My computer is heavily used for business as
well as *** (wish I could afford just a *** pc) I had a 87mhz
penitum overdrive which died after a year with my old Compaq Presario
=) So obviously the P166 MMX was a big jump for me to begin with. I
got a pretty good deal on the Gateway system because I called at a time
when they were switching over their casings, etc and got a discount off
on that. I have a 15 inch monitor so I didnt have to buy that either.
I hope to get a 17 or 21 inch in the next 12 months.. I have other
priorities right now and am still recovering from the major funds drain
my May wedding put on us =) (I still want to purchase a new race car
for SCCA in the next couple of years... Spec Racer, S2000, if the
money.. GT1) Anyway.. =) I got the P166 MMX with 32megs of RAM 3.2
gig hard drive (I have another 1.2 gig from my old system which i havent
put in the new one yet, still have over a gig left on the 3.2) 33
fax/modem, intellimouse, sidewinder joystick (go them to throw that in),
office 97, Windows95, MMX game pack, microphone, and keyboard for
$1500.00 a little over 6 months ago. Thought that was a pretty good buy
at the time.
Thanks again to all that helped and are helping... I do appreciate it!
Scott B. Husted
> >new PII MMX 300mhz CPU/ATX F.F. motherboard combo
> >that he is willing to sell to me for $800.00
> Sounds like a decent deal... is it the 440LX chipset? (i.e. does it
> have an AGP slot?) You may want that for future video card
> upgrades...
> >First off... can I do this swap with my existing hardrive, etc.
> You shouldn't have any problems... unless your current
> motherboard has a built in disk controller and the new one
> requires a card... I don't know enough about Gateway (or
> the newest mother boards) to say for sure...
> >It does accept the same SDRAM as my current board.. so
> >Im assuming I can use those 32 megs plus add another 32.
> This should not be a problem... if the memory is ECC (if the
> contacts on the modules are gold not silver), they will definitely
> work. If the modules are non-ECC, they will probably still work
> but there *may* be a little performance decrease...
> > Im concerned about compatibility with hardrive, cd rom, etc...
> > What kind of issues do I need to answer?? (yes.. im new to
> > this stuff!!!)
> I'm certainly no "expert", but the only thing I can think of is that
> you may need to get a disk interface/controller card...
> > I have installed my own overdrive chip and RAM before... but
> > thats about it!!
> Well, that puts you one up (well, two up!) on a lot of people! Can
> you believe people actually take their computers in to a store and
> pay $30 or $40 just to have them pop in new memory? Sheesh...
> that's only one step away from robbery...
> > dont really want to spend $200 - $300 for a P200 for the small
> > gain I will get. AND... im not totally confortable with the
> > overclocking idea... dont want to fry my processor or anything
> > else!!
> You are definitely better off putting that 200-300 bucks towards
> the new PII motherboard...
> > Again... all and every idea would be appreciated.
> One thing you can never go wrong with is adding more memory.
> In the Windoze 95 environment, memory upgrades have the best
> cost/performance ratio of any upgrade you can make... I'm not
> sure why you are upgrading, but more memory may be all you
> need to get the performance boost you want... (of course, it may
> well *not* be all you need... like I said, I just don't know why you
> are upgrading...)
> Finally, like someone else posted, make sure the new motherboard
> will fit in your case!! It seems obvious, but................
> - Mike.
> ====================================================
> Mike Holthouse - Indianapolis, IN
> I'm sick of spam!! To e-mail me, remove the "x"...
> ====================================================