I haven't seen the ALMS versions out yet, but the LeMans 2k1 site has
most of the LMP 900's available for dload with it's beta mod. They should
have a version one out in about 2 weeks. The LM2k1 proto's can be dropped
into the ALMS mod, but you with that method you can only drive the Protype
car, it won't be run as an AI vehicle...
I"m pretty sure there is a better way that makes the car not only
available to drive, but to see in the race as well (ai controlled).
that's the link to the LeMans 2k1 beta mod.
dave henrie
> where does one get these additional cars at, if you don't mind me asking?
> > Oh kay
> > Installed the ALMS mod into F12001 ( works fine)
> > Installed Le Mans track - works great
> > Added the Jan Lammers Dome ( brilliant )
> > And the Bentley...
> > Now I can select any car but the bentley and race fine
> > If I select the bentley - it dumps me to desktop - even though the model
> > loads fine in the menu screen
> > Any ideas?
> > Doug