I have exactly the same setup as you. I use my standard CH Pedals and an
LWFF together with the CH Pedals in my SB Live! 1024's gameport and the LWFF
in a USB slot. I set the LWFF as controller 1. I set the pedals up as
controller 2 using the CH Flightsick Pro driver with rudder pedals enabled.
I have to plug a joystick into the pedals to get them to work. With the
pedals set to Car mode, I get split axis controls for the pedals. Works
like a dream in GPL and RC2000.
The only way I could get the pedals to work without a joystick plugged into
them was to using a suggestion from this group to define a custom 2 axis no
button controller which I called CH Pedals. You then add two of these
controllers, one as controller 1 and the other as controller 2. The first
controller is not detected but the second one is. Weird! You then add the
LWFF as controller 3 and away you go.