LWFF + CH pedals

Andreas Funk

LWFF + CH pedals

by Andreas Funk » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Hi everybody,

after geting quite anoyed with the pedals of my LWFF I bought myself some CH
pedals. Now I am struggling to get the CH pedals to work.
I've got a Soundblaster Live! for the pedals and the LWFF is connected via
USB. The LWFF is wirking fine only the pedals refuse to work when the LWFF
is connected.

Am I missing something?


Rick Baumhaue

LWFF + CH pedals

by Rick Baumhaue » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You need to plug a joystick into the CH pedals, for starters.
Andreas Funk

LWFF + CH pedals

by Andreas Funk » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00


can that be a gamepad as well or do I need an analog joystick?


Rick Baumhaue

LWFF + CH pedals

by Rick Baumhaue » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Not sure - I'll try to find my gamepad and check it out, but I know you have
to have something plugged into the pedals.


Phil Le

LWFF + CH pedals

by Phil Le » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I have exactly the same setup as you.  I use my standard CH Pedals and an
LWFF together with the CH Pedals in my SB Live! 1024's gameport and the LWFF
in a USB slot.  I set the LWFF as controller 1.  I set the pedals up as
controller 2 using the CH Flightsick Pro driver with rudder pedals enabled.
I have to plug a joystick into the pedals to get them to work.  With the
pedals set to Car mode, I get split axis controls for the pedals.    Works
like a dream in GPL and RC2000.

The only way I could get the pedals to work without a joystick plugged into
them was to using a suggestion from this group to define a custom 2 axis no
button controller which I called CH Pedals.  You then add two of these
controllers, one as controller 1 and the other as controller 2.  The first
controller is not detected but the second one is.  Weird!  You then add the
LWFF as controller 3 and away you go.




Andre Warring

LWFF + CH pedals

by Andre Warring » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I got my ch pedals working by plugging an old joystick into them. The
ch pedals expect something on the x-as while calibrating, else they
won't work. So I use this old joystick only while calibrating.
There is a way to get the ch pedals working without plugging another
joystick into them, but unfortunately I don't remember how...


On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:32:03 +0100, "Andreas Funke"

>Hi everybody,

>after geting quite anoyed with the pedals of my LWFF I bought myself some CH
>pedals. Now I am struggling to get the CH pedals to work.
>I've got a Soundblaster Live! for the pedals and the LWFF is connected via
>USB. The LWFF is wirking fine only the pedals refuse to work when the LWFF
>is connected.

>Am I missing something?


don hodgdo

LWFF + CH pedals

by don hodgdo » Wed, 26 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Why not just wire the LWFF and the CH Pedals together and then have them
work in all your driving sims, with no special controller id's or extra
joysticks or any of that other junk?

"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."


LWFF + CH pedals

by Rooki » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 18:02:39 -0700, "don hodgdon"

>Why not just wire the LWFF and the CH Pedals together and then have them
>work in all your driving sims, with no special controller id's or extra
>joysticks or any of that other junk?

The wheel is USB or Serial and the Pedals are Gameport...


Andreas Funk

LWFF + CH pedals

by Andreas Funk » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00


thanks for your help. I finally got it to work.
I plugged my Sidewinder gamepad into the pedal's joystick port and added a
custom 4 axis no button joystick twice. You were absolutely right. The first
one was "not connected" but the second one was ok.

And I have to tell you: what a difference the new pedals make! Not that I
had much time yesterday evening but even the 15 minutes I've tested with the
CH pedals made the buy worthwhile.

Thanks again


LWFF + CH pedals

by J » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Think about wiring the pedals to the LWFF-wheel.
There should be much help available here if needed.


On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:32:03 +0100, "Andreas Funke"

>Hi everybody,

>after geting quite anoyed with the pedals of my LWFF I bought myself some CH
>pedals. Now I am struggling to get the CH pedals to work.
>I've got a Soundblaster Live! for the pedals and the LWFF is connected via
>USB. The LWFF is wirking fine only the pedals refuse to work when the LWFF
>is connected.

>Am I missing something?



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