so it's GPL now. well, well

John Walla

so it's GPL now. well, well

by John Walla » Thu, 14 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Call me a totally picky sod but I _really_ hate that too. What
possible reason can Sierra imagine why I would want to make a
directory on my hard disk especially to store their products in? I
even hate it when products default to that, but when they *force* it I
get seriously pissed off.

Keys? Really? Gulp....

Nope, this is a feature that Windows 98 provides by itself. Just to
check though, you did download the Win98 version of the demo?

Er, what?

You should try playing it through a soundcar, those PC speakers really
are a bit passe now.

Ohhhhh, it's a troll. Wakarimashita!


John Walla

so it's GPL now. well, well

by John Walla » Thu, 14 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Reading comprehension time - nowhere did he mention "a 1967 F1 car",
simply a car with no aero aids and 400+hp. Quite a lot of people on
this newsgroup will have experience of such a steed.


Antoine Renaul

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Antoine Renaul » Fri, 15 Jan 1999 04:00:00

He cannot possibly fit a keyboard between his gut and the***pit...
Come on, that's hard to believe...

A. Renault


so it's GPL now. well, well

by XCR6 » Fri, 15 Jan 1999 04:00:00

<<<>1. Develop an understanding of what it's like to drive a 400+ HP race car,

Well, who in this world did drive one, as a matter of fact?? I doubt that
anyone on this NG...>>>

  By todays standards 400hp doesnt seem like much, but anyone who has driven
even a street car with 400+hp knows that they are QUITE squirley. I had a 73
Chevy Nova that I drag raced, as well as drove on the street, at the time I was
running bias ply tires, and had a gear that was fairly efficent at snapping
your neck from a standing start., and I'm here to tell tou that if you came off
a corner and stuck your foot in the throttle, you were without a doubt going to
lose it. So I guess I would have to say that the physice model in GPL is not
exaggerated, if anything its probably a bit mild.


Matthias Buesi

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Matthias Buesi » Fri, 15 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Hi Hans !

HH> Reading this newsgroup, it would seem that GPL is now THE game in the
HH> racing.sim business.

1000% agree ;-)

HH> -telling me I should have directx 5 while I have 6

There's no problem with DX6, at least in the final release.

HH> -installing in a directory name in which sierra is obligated

So what ?

HH> -not being able to change the default steering keys
HH>  (why do all game man.f. think you want to break your fingers on the
HH> numpad anyway)

Wake up ! GPL ist the most realistic sim by now !!! You won't drive
your car with keys, eh ?? So get up, get a Thrustmaster F1 (or
equivalent) and learn to drive a 400hp racing car without wings and
all that stuff...

HH> -causing several lockups while selecting options
HH>  (total lockups in windows 98, yes  way to go!)

Problem with win98 (BTW: IMHO Win98 is a great bug itself) are solved
in the final release.

HH> -driving (at last) still feels like floating around  in a weightless
HH> soapbox just like every other racing game that has come out since GP2

As I mentioned above, GPL is very realistic. IMHO the first REALISTIC one.
Try to learn to steer by using the pedals (yes, I said pedals, not keys !),
it's incredible how great Papy modelled the physics of those "ancient"

HH> -the sound is like an ancient pc-speaker game

Get the release and enjoy the roaring sound of the Ferrari !! As I first
heard THIS sound I shivered...;-O

HH> GP2 can beat this by just pasting a 3 sticker on the old boxes.

ROTFL =8--)))

Also, man mailt sich...


*home* :

Jonathon Gree

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Jonathon Gree » Sat, 16 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>   By todays standards 400hp doesnt seem like much, but anyone who has driven
> even a street car with 400+hp knows that they are QUITE squirley.

But consider the difference in weight between a 400 BHP F1 GP car and a
400 BHP road car. Even a stripped for action, weekend racer is probably
going to weigh at least 2-3 times what say a Lotus 47 did[1] so you'll
need to raise the horsepower count quite a bit to get anywhere near the
same power to weight figure.

[1] Any Westfield SEight owners subscribed to the group are entitled to
a smug
    grin at this point...

Jonathon "JayGee" Green

"Death to all fanatics!"

Paul Ales

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Paul Ales » Sun, 17 Jan 1999 04:00:00

Give him enough rope............make sure u tie it really tight on the
lampshade Han's     :o)

>Hi Hans !

>HH> Reading this newsgroup, it would seem that GPL is now THE game in the
>HH> racing.sim business.

>1000% agree ;-)

>HH> -telling me I should have directx 5 while I have 6

>There's no problem with DX6, at least in the final release.

>HH> -installing in a directory name in which sierra is obligated

>So what ?

>HH> -not being able to change the default steering keys
>HH>  (why do all game man.f. think you want to break your fingers on the
>HH> numpad anyway)

>Wake up ! GPL ist the most realistic sim by now !!! You won't drive
>your car with keys, eh ?? So get up, get a Thrustmaster F1 (or
>equivalent) and learn to drive a 400hp racing car without wings and
>all that stuff...

>HH> -causing several lockups while selecting options
>HH>  (total lockups in windows 98, yes  way to go!)

>Problem with win98 (BTW: IMHO Win98 is a great bug itself) are solved
>in the final release.

>HH> -driving (at last) still feels like floating around  in a weightless
>HH> soapbox just like every other racing game that has come out since GP2

>As I mentioned above, GPL is very realistic. IMHO the first REALISTIC one.
>Try to learn to steer by using the pedals (yes, I said pedals, not keys !),
>it's incredible how great Papy modelled the physics of those "ancient"

>HH> -the sound is like an ancient pc-speaker game

>Get the release and enjoy the roaring sound of the Ferrari !! As I first
>heard THIS sound I shivered...;-O

>HH> GP2 can beat this by just pasting a 3 sticker on the old boxes.

>ROTFL =8--)))

>Also, man mailt sich...


>*home* :


so it's GPL now. well, well

by Nort » Sun, 24 Jan 1999 04:00:00

>Reading this newsgroup, it would seem that GPL is now THE game in the
>racing.sim business.
>But fantastic, I remember having a demo on one of my magazin CD ROMS.
>I noticed the following:

>-telling me I should have directx 5 while I have 6

DirectX 6 sucks so far...

Why not, free advertising... keeps software prices down!

Hahahahaha - no stick or wheel - why bother?

It's to the right of other keys, allowing you to use both

Using the latest voodoo drivers i see...

That's your opinion, I think the physics are great. Not like
any other 'sim' EVER!

I like the sound. Agreed, it could be better.

You played the demo, likely the earlier demo, you have no
joystick or wheel - please think before you post and if
you're not into car racing, which you obviously aren't, why
post your review of a racing game?

John Moor

so it's GPL now. well, well

by John Moor » Sun, 24 Jan 1999 04:00:00

> DirectX 6 sucks so far..

Gee, Iv'e been using dx6 since the first release, looks better, runs
Dave Henri

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Dave Henri » Sun, 24 Jan 1999 04:00:00

  Ok Norton,

    I have run the demo and yeah, it limits's a DEMO,  it merely
some of the features.   To use the rest....get the game...btw, I beleive the
demo includes the ability to adjust some garage settings and you can run
laps at Monza
instead of Watkins glen,(that may be separate dload tho)
   almost every program I have defaults to installing in a sub folder below
a company
folder, Janes, Interplay, Eidos etc.
  Many programs written in the last year don't recognize DX6 since they were
with DX5(ie the DEMO)  I just skip that part cuz I too have DX6 running and
with no problems
  Don't know what weed yer smokin but I ran the demo from the very first
with a wheel.
Also remember the demo was written well before Win98 was released.  Once
dload the updated demo and your win98 problems should be fixed.  Hey as long
as microsoft is
making windows so complicated, you'd be better off becoming an informed
user, note, not a
tecky.Sorry you don't like to read readme's, can't think of a single game I
have 30+ that doesn't have
some sort of readme in it.
  If you have trouble configuring your wheel or stick, then try
this...choose new keys for steering , braking
etc that are not used by the game , once you've re-assigned all the
functions, go back and choose the
wheel options.   While not the simplest method, many many sims have had this
style of controller setup.
F1RS, SODA are a couple that come to mind.
  take another look at it and see if you still feel the same about it....
dave henrie

>>Reading this newsgroup, it would seem that GPL is now THE game in the
>>racing.sim business.
>>But fantastic, I remember having a demo on one of my magazin CD ROMS.
>>I noticed the following:

>>-telling me I should have directx 5 while I have 6
>DirectX 6 sucks so far...

>>-installing in a directory name in which sierra is obligated
>Why not, free advertising... keeps software prices down!

>>-not being able to change the default steering keys
>Hahahahaha - no stick or wheel - why bother?

>> (why do all game man.f. think you want to break your fingers on the
>>numpad anyway)
>It's to the right of other keys, allowing you to use both

>>-causing several lockups while selecting options
>Using the latest voodoo drivers i see...

>> (total lockups in windows 98, yes  way to go!)
>>-driving (at last) still feels like floating around  in a weightless
>>soapbox just like every other racing game that has come out since GP2
>That's your opinion, I think the physics are great. Not like
>any other 'sim' EVER!

>>-the sound is like an ancient pc-speaker game
>I like the sound. Agreed, it could be better.

>>Now please don't go telling me that i should have read some reame or
>>faq somewhere, or that my directx is too new , or something is wrong
>>with my hardware (PII 266 + voodoo2 monster3d + soundblaster AWE).
>>As far as games are concerned i am a user and not a technician.

>>GP2 can beat this by just pasting a 3 sticker on the old boxes.

>You played the demo, likely the earlier demo, you have no
>joystick or wheel - please think before you post and if
>you're not into car racing, which you obviously aren't, why
>post your review of a racing game?


so it's GPL now. well, well

by Nort » Fri, 05 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>> DirectX 6 sucks so far..

>Gee, Iv'e been using dx6 since the first release, looks better, runs

The problem with DX6 is we don't have a decent voodoo 2
driver for it yet. The latest one crashes GPL, and it's
necessary to use the older DX5 driver.

I, like most others tried the new driver, and yes, it looks
fantastic. Unfortunately, since it causes Gpl to crash i
hadda un install it.

I'm assuming you're not a GPL fan if you're using the new
voodoo 2 drivers, or perhaps you have a Rendition card.

John Moor

so it's GPL now. well, well

by John Moor » Fri, 05 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Yes, definitely a rendition user, smokes for gpl and other papy sims,
pretty good for the few other games I play. It seems that any card
requiring glide is having fits with gpl.

> >> DirectX 6 sucks so far..

> >Gee, Iv'e been using dx6 since the first release, looks better, runs
> >great!
> >JM

> The problem with DX6 is we don't have a decent voodoo 2
> driver for it yet. The latest one crashes GPL, and it's
> necessary to use the older DX5 driver.

> I, like most others tried the new driver, and yes, it looks
> fantastic. Unfortunately, since it causes Gpl to crash i
> hadda un install it.

> I'm assuming you're not a GPL fan if you're using the new
> voodoo 2 drivers, or perhaps you have a Rendition card.

Chris Schlette

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Chris Schlette » Sat, 06 Feb 1999 04:00:00

Use the latest DirectX6 package.  Use the latest Voodoo2 drivers.  However,
keep that old Glide 2.53 ovl file and put it in the GPL root directory
(X:\sierra\gpl) and your problems are solved.  The problem in GPL has
nothing to do with DirectX6, but rather a problem with the Glide 2.54 driver
supplied with the latest Voodoo2 drivers.
I have a Diamond Monster2 12 meg with the latest drivers installed.
DirectX6.1 runtime installed (although I was running DirectX6SDK's runtime
for awhile) and have no problems with GPL at all since I made sure the Glide
2.53 .ovl file was in the GPL directory.

>>> DirectX 6 sucks so far..

>>Gee, Iv'e been using dx6 since the first release, looks better, runs

>The problem with DX6 is we don't have a decent voodoo 2
>driver for it yet. The latest one crashes GPL, and it's
>necessary to use the older DX5 driver.

>I, like most others tried the new driver, and yes, it looks
>fantastic. Unfortunately, since it causes Gpl to crash i
>hadda un install it.

>I'm assuming you're not a GPL fan if you're using the new
>voodoo 2 drivers, or perhaps you have a Rendition card.

Karissa Thom

so it's GPL now. well, well

by Karissa Thom » Sat, 06 Feb 1999 04:00:00

I'm using DX6 with the 2.54 Glide drivers with my 2 SLI'ed Canopus Pure 3D
II Voodoo2 cards, and have not had any lock up problems...

John Simmo

so it's GPL now. well, well

by John Simmo » Sat, 06 Feb 1999 04:00:00

>>Use the latest DirectX6 package.  Use the latest Voodoo2 drivers.
>>However, keep that old Glide 2.53 ovl file and put it in the GPL
>>root directory

>I'm using DX6 with the 2.54 Glide drivers with my 2 SLI'ed Canopus
>Pure 3D II Voodoo2 cards, and have not had any lock up problems...

I get goosebumps whan a woman starts talkin' all technical and stuff...


John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)

John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector

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