Why exactly are people trying to run your centering
utility with the logitech FF wheel? It isn't necessary.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
>Hi Bill,
>>I'd be happy to do that. It's late here, so I'll do it in the morning.
>Thanks! I got the data just fine, and it did explain what's happening.
>Andre seems to have the solution already figured out, and it looks
>like he's right - it should fix it right up.
>What's happening is that the registry calibration data for the LWFF in
>your Pre-CTFJ file is all zeroes. The wheel works with that,
>apparently, so I'm guessing the system is deriving the data from the
>USB devices themselves when the registry data is zeroed. I'm not sure
>under what conditions the registry gets zeroed, certainly ClrCalib
>will do that, but apparently re-adding the LWFF doesn't restore the
>CTFJ can't work with the zeroed data. To make matters worse, it makes
>minor adjustments to the registry data itself, resulting in the
>modification of some of the zeroes. Those changes, apparently, are
>enough to convince the system that there is calibration data present
>in the registry, so it starts trying to scale with the wierdest set of
>min/center/max values it's probably ever seen. Things go downhill from
>there. 8).
>Looking at the registry calibration values from Brads GPL.CFG file,
>his are not zeroed, they're all set to 0-328-655 except the X value,
>which is close to that but has obviously gone through some
>calibration, probably from the startup calibration routine.
>Some checking seems to show that the DXTweak utility restores the
>0-328-655 values when you hit the 'Defaults' button. That puts real
>data back into the registry. CTFJ can come up with the min and max
>values that it needs to work and everything runs fine, which is
>exactly what Andre found.
>So, try this:
> Run ClrCalib
> Delete CTFJ.DAT
> Add the Wheel back in the Control Panel and get it running
> Run DXTweak and reset the Defaults
> Run CTFJ and hit the 'Center Axes' buttons
>The wheel has to be installed for DXTweak to restore the calibration
>data, otherwise it just leaves it zeroed.
>Give that a try and see if it helps with yours, too.
>Thanks again for sending the REG files! They were a great help!
>- Bob
>The StickWorks