Thx for the info Eric
That's too bad cause i love watching the replays on GPL
at 1024 x 768 (especially since I suck so bad at it, I get as much
enjoyment out of that. lol )
Doesn't N3 use the same replay system as GPL (It sure looks the same
anyway) ??
>The full-screen replay option is independent of driving resolution and
>runs at the same 800x600 resolution as the rest of the user interface.
>> Got it, love it but when watching a replay at full screen it will
>> play it at 800 x 600 I think. (it doesn't go completely full screen)
>> there's an inch or 2 on either side and it doesn't look near as good
>> as when I'm playing at 1024 x 768 Is there a setting somewhere for
>> replay resolution that i can't seem to find?