Anyone have any idea how to turn up the race length up in nas2,let's
say 2000 laps?
Tim Yuhasz
Anyone have any idea how to turn up the race length up in nas2,let's
say 2000 laps?
Tim Yuhasz
Edit whatever TXT file for the track you want to do that with (i.e., for
the file would be TALADEGA.TXT). Change the LAPS line to whatever you
and as long as you set the race length to 100%, you have the punishment
DNR Enterprises
Two words for you...
-John :|:
> > Anyone have any idea how to turn up the race length up in nas2,let's
> > say 2000 laps?
> Two words for you...
> Loo.
> Zer.
> -John :|:
My gosh! How can you survive such a thing? After I finish
only 188 laps on taladega my neck is locked and I can't
straighten my fingers.
In N1 I increased the number on laps in the .txt file to 1000
and sat back and watched it in accelerated mode. All the AI's
cars will eventually breakdown. I don't know if it is the same
in N2. You may find that you're alone the last 1000 laps.
On a different subject, I think it was on TNN that I've seen a
blue flag with a yellow stripe on it. Anyone know what that
flag is?
> On a different subject, I think it was on TNN that I've seen a
> blue flag with a yellow stripe on it. Anyone know what that
> flag is?
> AD
> :)
God Bless,
It means "Move over, someone wants to pass you" (roughly)
--John Melair
They're not bugs! They're random features!
Sorry, but to try to get away from all the damn spammers, I had
to change my email information, like everyone else.
reply to johnm973 (at), thanks
you are a sick, sick pup. 2000 laps...are you heavily medicated...oh blue
x means get the heck outa the way
> >>On a different subject, I think it was on TNN that I've seen a
> >blue flag with a yellow stripe on it. Anyone know what that
> >flag is?
> It means "Move over, someone wants to pass you" (roughly)
It does not mean move over... a driver can choose to ignore the flag
with no penalty
Aaron Martin Auto Racing
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