I too have a intense 3d 100, and although i dont have N99 I do have Nascar2,
which is roughly the same thing. Anyways, I had this problem with N2 after
I flashed the v1000 bios to the latest version (i forget the number) , and I
ended up flashing back to the earliest intergraph bios i could find.
Everything ran normal after that.
Perhaps this might help.
Basically it was trying to run the game at a refresh rate faster than the
v1000 can handle.
you might try looking for info at www.rendition.com , you might also try
news.rendition.com (i think that's thier usenet address)
Good Luck!
-- Dave Smalley
>It's time to go to the pros...any help available on this one? I have an
>Intergrpaph Intense 3D 100 (Rendition 1000) and just installed Windows 98.
>I upgraded to the new Windows 98 drivers (and flashed backed to
>Bios74 as recommended in readme file). Before Windows 98, "NASCAR Racing
>1999 Edition" worked perfectly. Now, the only way I can play the game is
>restart in DOS mode, which I would prefer not to have to do. When I start
>through Windows 98, I get a black screen with a tiny unintelligible
>compressed image in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Then, I
>get back to Windows 98. Any suggestions or help would be sincerely