prompted me to think about the AI's ability to do a very good Michael
Shumacher impression every time they pit and take at least 3 or 4
seconds (and often more) out of me.
I do try to practice my pit entry during the practise sessions so as to
at least get the task down to a reasonable***. I've even taken to
turning on the speed indicator during pitting to keep my pit speed just
at the maximum allowed and yet, despite all of this, they seem to find
some way of taking valuable seconds out of me. The hardest part, I
find, is stopping in my pitstall without slowing down to a crawl on the
way in to avoid overshooting.
Is it me, basically? Are there those out here who can outdo those AI
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
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GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -25.01