>> Sounds a bit interesting. Nice to have as an option, but I imagine that I
>> will just do my usual and set it to 100% at every track and hope this time
>> Papy somehow fixed the age-old problem of the AI being much smarter at
>> tracks than others.
>> Marc
> Or being able to stick their cars in a corner, while if I try to go
>through at the same speed they are, I'm in the wall (or bushes)...
Or the main issue with the old AI, which these 2 tracks won't show,
being their over-aggressive nature on the short tracks when looking for
an opening and the inability to drive any other line through a corner,
to such an extent that they would rather smash you in the rear than get
off their driving line.
One issue that there definitely was with Talladega was the AI pulling
out coming out of turn 4, but either too early or too sharply, so that
they actually slowed down, causing all other drivers behind to do the
same. If your were 4 or 5 cars back, the driver in front could suddenly
slow down by as much as 15 - 20 mph, giving you very little time to
react. Has anyone noticed whether this at least is fixed?
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
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GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77