It's the usual arcade mix... a car that you can throw and lurch around
bends with little flicks of the analogue joypad, with certain limits
to braking/accel/turning that will allow you to spin out... nothing as
complex as GPL, and more importantly no damage so taking a bend well
instead of just using the wall have only small time benefits.
Lots of cars, which all have characteristics plugged in to make them
differ and seem as close to the real thing as the above physics model
allows... Get the Saburu and you can slide it like mad... hop in
something like the Griffith and you can feel the steering is less
responsive and the above "limits" are easier to break..
I personally love this game, I don't have it or a PSX, but there is
nothing else 3 people can sit down to with a decent sized TV and
stereo hooked up and enjoy 3 hours of racing in what seems like 20
minutes... I'm not sure if that factor means getting GT on my PC,
would suddenly make it seem very shallow.. just as I can't exactly
invite friends over for an evening of GPL...
The other plus is the in-game sounds, very nice and an excellent set
of tracks which really improve the atmosphere, including "Feeder -
Sweet 16" and "Ash - Lose Control"...
-=> Personal Site -=>
-=> BG-National Driver -=>
-=> FssPro Driver Bios -=>
"We're always looking for something to hold on to.
We're with our friends they're the best thing we can find.
We don't belong here but where else can we go to?
It's far to late now to stop." - Symposium