A plea for civility

Mike McCloske

A plea for civility

by Mike McCloske » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

your post is very cute...I enjoyed it a lot.  Calling me a jerk was very
creative, productive, and you really turned the tables on me.  Possibly I
didn't make myself clear enough to you last time, so I will restate in small
don't think it was necessary for you to jump down his throught about
it.....I kinda thought maybe you were just having a bad day and were taking
it out on RAS, but you seem to just be here for the flaming now.  I admit
you have made some good posts in the past, but for the last day or so your
goal seems to make everyone miserable.....I'm just curious as to why.  You
yourself stated that

"You are repeating yourself, over and over, but hey, that's your
right, just like it's my right to speak what's on my mind. See how
it works?"

People here are just trying to speak their mind, as you are, but it is very
non productive to call people "JERK" whenever they say something you don't
agree with.  As in the last letter, I'm not trying to start a flame war or
anything, but if you wanna call me "JERK" again, go right ahead if it would
make you feel better......just please let us all know what we did to***
you off so much.

Mike McCloskey
C.P.R. Playground

>><note: I am not attempting to be hostile here....just calling it like I

>>In your post to Randy, you asked (as seen below) "What was abusive? Give
>>specifics, please."   In his response, he gave specific examples as you
>>asked.....I realize that you were probably expecting him to pull things
>>only you had posted, but instead he pulled abusive things that several
>>people posted, and you ended up saying "Hey jerk. I didn't make post after
>>post before Dean left".  I just think that it's unnecessary to attack
>>someone and call them "jerk" when all they really did was make a calm and
>>thought out post in response to yours.

>Hey, JERK, his post was not very "WELL THOUGHT OUT" if he is accusing me
>OVER and OVER of making posts that I did not make? What's well thought out
>about that?

>> I think we'd all appreciate it if
>>those using this newsgroup would remain at least slightly polite.

>How about slightly ACCURATE? Does that count? Tell you what...
>Watch close now....



















>* rrevved at mindspring dot com - {unit.26 s.p.u.t.u.m.}
>* -

Randy BO

A plea for civility

by Randy BO » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

<< Hey, JERK, his post was not very "WELL THOUGHT OUT" if he is accusing me
OVER and OVER of making posts that I did not make? What's well thought out
about that?>>

Going for a record on the # of people you can say "Hey jerk" to if they don't
agree with you?  Oh well, you only make yourself look bad.

And if you actually READ my post, not once did I accuse YOU of saying those

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage

Richard Walk

A plea for civility

by Richard Walk » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Hi Trev,

I have to agree with you here, but....

.... Dane came into the group in a blaze of "we're here to help, please
feel free to post all criticisms" posts. But before long he appeared to
be taking all the posts personally. I'm not talking about stupid "it sux"
type posts, but genuine thought out observations, often accompanied by
suggestions on how to improve things. All too often these were either
dismissed or plain ignored :(

I've invited Dean to come & join us on SPRTSIMS where we are capable of
discussing sims in a pleasantly flame free environment. I hope he takes
me up on this. CPR has a lot of good things going for it but appears to
be lacking in some key aspects. Without the input of top sim racers it
will not achieve its very considerable potential :(

Don't forget that Dean came here putting himself forward in an offcial
"MS / CPR" representative role. I can't believe he is so naive that he
didn't expect a fair amount of knee jerk anti-MS flaming. So if he came
here knowing the score as part of his job....



A plea for civility

by Jo » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>and you get the job done. You certainly don't start turning up the
>heat on yourself by bringing up other sensitive issues.

Very true - and Dean certainly did turn up the heat in the last few
days with some posts that can only be called "D3D vs. Glide spin


Michael E. Carve

A plea for civility

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

<snipped great observations and comments>
% I neither fault nor credit Dean for leaving; that's his own
% business. If he leaves becauses he doesn't like the tone of posts, or
% the volume, or because of a solar flare, it's certainly not cause for
% a witch-hunt of everyone who's every participated in a thread with the
% characters 'M' and '$' next to each other... (There, see how cleverly
% I've excluded this post from the witch-hunt Deja-News search.)

% ---Jim

Leave it to the one and only ex-"business rep" who seemed to have had the
temperament to weather the good and bad of usenet to post a perfect
example of the level headedness required to wade through this cesspool
of r.a.s..  Though I sometimes wonder if even Jim could have stood the
tide had he stayed with Papyrus.  But if someone were taking odds, my
money would be on him*** around.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Jerry Moreloc

A plea for civility

by Jerry Moreloc » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Jim Sokoloff said:

Amen, brother!

I think some of us old timers are stuck in a mind set of "having" to make
something work --dates back to the years when there just wasn't that much

These days there's several shows in town, and when one doesn't suit you,
simply go to another one.  If the product stinks, take it back and hit 'em
in the pocketbook.

I spend most of my time here and in flight sims, and it's been my
observation in both groups that products that deserve praise get it, and
those that deserve flames get them.   Like Jim, I'm not going to waste my
time creating a special config just to try to make one game work, and I'm
not going to spend an awful lot of time crying about something that doesn't
do what it's supposed to do, either.

If it doesn't do pretty much what it's supposed to do right out of the box
with a minimum of difficulty, back it goes.  Pretty soon if enough do this
those that don't do it right won't have the money to do it at all.

Jerry Morelock

BTW, I know this is ras, but I've just got to say in this vein that the best
example I've seen of doing it right in years and years is Jane's Longbow 2.
It's simply amazing!

Trevor C Thoma

A plea for civility

by Trevor C Thoma » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> Hi Trev,

> >These ***s who continously flame these guys with
> >thier stupid comments and in general rip the hell out of them, just ruin
> >it for the rest of us.

> I have to agree with you here, but....

> .... Dane came into the group in a blaze of "we're here to help, please
> feel free to post all criticisms" posts. But before long he appeared to
> be taking all the posts personally. I'm not talking about stupid "it sux"
> type posts, but genuine thought out observations, often accompanied by
> suggestions on how to improve things. All too often these were either
> dismissed or plain ignored :(

> I've invited Dean to come & join us on SPRTSIMS where we are capable of
> discussing sims in a pleasantly flame free environment. I hope he takes
> me up on this. CPR has a lot of good things going for it but appears to
> be lacking in some key aspects. Without the input of top sim racers it
> will not achieve its very considerable potential :(

> >I for one am really sorry to see Dean leave but I sure dont blame him
> >one bit, if I had to listen to this same shit day after day, I'd be gone
> >too :(!

> Don't forget that Dean came here putting himself forward in an offcial
> "MS / CPR" representative role. I can't believe he is so naive that he
> didn't expect a fair amount of knee jerk anti-MS flaming. So if he came
> here knowing the score as part of his job....

> Cheers,
> Richard

Hi Rich, you are of course correct, one must accept critisism in order
to be a forum rep no matter who or what its for. I should have made my
post more detailed but it hacked me off to see the only way we had of
communicating on CART PR chased off by senseless flames.

I was not reffering to the thoughtful genuine postings, only the truly
idiotic flames directed at Dean and calling him an idiot and other
names, no one should have to put up with this kind of treatment.

I still dont blame Dean one bit for bailing, I just regret that he felt
he had to go to stop these personal attacks. Like you I hope he does
come to CSI, at least we know how to act in a civilized manner :).


Jim Sokolof

A plea for civility

by Jim Sokolof » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> >> Why did you take your .SIG file off this time? Afraid to let
> people see that you are a writer for a Computer Games Magazine? >>
> Lord, I just love it when people do their damndest to create
> ulterior motives.  The fact is that on my AOL account I have a .SIG
> file that's auto-inserted at the end of messages.  I didn't set up a
> .SIG for my Internet account using Free Agent. (never bothered to
> learn how), so as a result, when I'm on my local ISP, my messages
> are missing the Digital Sports moniker and the internet address is

> too simple and common sense of answer for you?  Does that fail to
> satisfy your need to vilify me?  If you have an iota of decency,
> you'll do some checking in Dejanews for messages posted by

> true, and apologize to me for this baseless cheapshot (I'm not
> holding my breath, but you may surprise me).

Holy shit! In looking over this group, I've often wondered, how could
Randy BORL and Randy Magruder possibly have so much to time to post?
(Assuming they were two different people.) Now that I know they're the
same person, I really can't figure it out. You must be one hell of a

(Not a flame, just an expression of utter amazement.)


Byron Forbe

A plea for civility

by Byron Forbe » Sat, 13 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> >     I understand your viewpoint but to be honest I am fed up with
> >companies puting out products that are simply faulty. It's not at all
> >hard to find sim racers that know what their talking about.

> I find it hard not to giggle here.  If you open the manual for ABC's
> Indy Racing, you'll find: "Virtual Racing Advisor:  Nim Cross".  Nim
> is no slouch, having won online NASCAR championships, and yet look at
> how Indy Racing has been treated here!  Just having a great sim racer
> around is obviously not enough :)

 Have not paid much attention to ABC but a sim racer cannot assist in
the overall design of a software product. But he can assist with the AI
and controls. Don't forget about them bragging about Blundell equaling
his laps at Seca with 1.07s. Now there's something for you to giggle
about. I'm sure most of us know that the 1 minute barrier is probably
broken by the time you read this.
Randy Magrud

A plea for civility

by Randy Magrud » Sat, 13 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>Holy shit! In looking over this group, I've often wondered, how could
>Randy BORL and Randy Magruder possibly have so much to time to post?
>(Assuming they were two different people.) Now that I know they're the
>same person, I really can't figure it out. You must be one hell of a

Guilty as charged I guess.  I used to type about 120 wpm but now its
down to 80 or 90 since I got spoiled by the backspace key :)


John Walla

A plea for civility

by John Walla » Sat, 13 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>>and you get the job done. You certainly don't start turning up the
>>heat on yourself by bringing up other sensitive issues.

>Very true - and Dean certainly did turn up the heat in the last few
>days with some posts that can only be called "D3D vs. Glide spin

That's one of the issues to which I was referring, but I didn't want
to turn up the heat on myself :)

John (who has just turned up the heat on himself <gulp>!)

Wolfgang Prei

A plea for civility

by Wolfgang Prei » Sat, 13 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Following this gentleman's own example, I will raise the level of
civilty in my personal copy of RAS by putting RREVVED in my killfile
for 60 days. Sometimes, people become calmer with age after a while -
it even worked with ymenard (to a degree...)

>><note: I am not attempting to be hostile here....just calling it like I see

>>In your post to Randy, you asked (as seen below) "What was abusive? Give
>>specifics, please."   In his response, he gave specific examples as you had
>>asked.....I realize that you were probably expecting him to pull things that
>>only you had posted, but instead he pulled abusive things that several
>>people posted, and you ended up saying "Hey jerk. I didn't make post after
>>post before Dean left".  I just think that it's unnecessary to attack
>>someone and call them "jerk" when all they really did was make a calm and
>>thought out post in response to yours.

>Hey, JERK, his post was not very "WELL THOUGHT OUT" if he is accusing me
>OVER and OVER of making posts that I did not make? What's well thought out
>about that?

>> I think we'd all appreciate it if
>>those using this newsgroup would remain at least slightly polite.  

>How about slightly ACCURATE? Does that count? Tell you what...
>Watch close now....



















Wolfgang Preiss       \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
wopr"at" \ There is no "2" in my real e-mail address.
Uni des Saarlands       \ Sorry for the inconvenience. You know why.
Michael E. Carve

A plea for civility

by Michael E. Carve » Sat, 13 Dec 1997 04:00:00

% A good example of this was on my CPR review.  I couldn't see more than 100
% yards ahead of me with the Stealth II I was using.  The distance clipping
% didn't work.  I could have written a review blasting Microsoft for this 'bug',
% but by doing some research beforehand I found out that it in fact was a driver
% bug and isn't exhibited in non-accelerated CPR or in CPR using other boards
% such as 3DFX and Riva 128, so it wasn't the core software that exhibited the
% problem but the video board.  By checking this out and getting a board that had
% drivers that worked as they should, I was able to write a better, more
% informative review.  That's all.  Its one thing to have an opinion and share
% it, but I do think that as reviewers, we have a responsibility to our readers
% to ensure that they are getting all the facts we can supply them to help them
% make the most informed purchase (or non-purchase) possible.

I know that I am going to be branded a *** nut, but, I have my
doubts about some of this "video card driver fault".  I am very sure
that it is quite possible to fix this with video card driver fixes.
However, I find it odd that some of the problems attributed to video
card drivers affect more than one or two video cards.  You mean to tell
me that during CPR's development and testing they weren't aware of this
problem?  That the video card manufacturers weren't informed that their
Win95 certified drivers were broken?  This is were the *** part
comes in to play.  I think that it is "possible" that the CPR team were
using code hooks that were un-documented in D3D.  Therefore many of the
video card drivers were fine until this hook got used.  Or it is very
possible that there is a flaw in the way CPR's graphical engine is
coded.  Then again, it could just be that there are alot of people out
there that have crappy video drivers from crappy video card
manufacturers.  It could happen, it's happened before.

BTW:  While we are on the topic of "reviews".  At times I think Alison's
"review" was considered just that.  It was not, nor do I think it was
intended to be a "balanced" review in the normal sense we are talking
about.  I think her reason behind her post and web-site "review" was to
add balance to the "balanced reviews" already posted and present at
various web sites.  I think this is were some of the problems have
arisen over her "findings".  That's actually more like what I saw her
"review", a detailed list of "findings" that seem to have been "glossed"
over in the "official reviews".  And for simply saying that the emporer
(while dressed) seemed to have forgotten to put on his pants, she has
been crucified and vilified.  Yeah, she forgot to say that he had on a
beautiful blouse and jacket, but that was already a known fact.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.