Well, congrats Usenet belligerents...you've run off yet another company rep and
undoubtedly those reps that don't participate here but were contemplating it
have now iced their decision.
Proud of yourselves?
I don't care that we criticize the products, but some of this is just getting
out of hand and abusive. If you guys care about sims nearly as much as you say
you do, perhaps you'd come to your senses and realize:
a) you get more with a carrot than a stick.
b) nowhere in your license agreement is there a commitment from the company to
sit here and listen to your abusive comments
c) most of you would not talk the way you do face to face or on the telephone.
But for some reason you get behind a keyboard and manners and civility are
This is sort of an open call for people who have engaged in this activity to
drop Dean an e-mail and apologize for being such jerks (and you know who you
are). I'd far rather have someone here we can negotiate features and
enhancements with than sit here and get the GP2 treatment. But thanks to the
flamers, we lose another rep and those of us who weren't hostile and immature
get to suffer the consequences of your actions.
If you think this is somehow justified because it was a Microsoft rep, think
again. Whatever your opinion of Microsoft the corporation, Dean is just doing
his job (actually probably more than his job) putting himself out here and
dealing with all the abuse hurled his way. He doesn't deserve a lot of the
***that's being thrown his way.
Learn to criticize without being personal or abusive, or we'll all long for
the good ole days when reps used to show up here and discuss their products.
Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage