> KK,
> Thanks for the reply. I followed your advice exactly. However, I still
> get the "new" tracks or teams. I do get the added onscreen info during
> Qualifying, however. Do you have any other ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
> probably something simple and obvious, but I can't figure it out.
on the GPxTrack tab, select edit to bring up all the individual
tracks....... each track (numered 1-16) should have the name (eg.
malaysia.dat) next to it.... the xxx.dat file is the circuit from the 2001
update and should be in your GP3/circuits directory.... in that directory
are also a bunch of F1ctxx.dat files which are the default (original) GP3
circuits. if the new tracks aren't coming up i think it's just a matter of
getting the path to the relevant .dat file right.... also, check that you
have the GP3jamsH directory in the GP3 dircetory.. this contains all the
track data.... and the GPxPatch utility should be installed in the GP3