4 years


4 years

by teehol » Sat, 29 Jul 2000 04:00:00


 Remembering delays/problems (threat of lawsuit, etc.) with GP2, I'm
quite sure Crammond promised he would never make another F1 sequel,
unless he had complete control over the entire project. With Gp2, and
working under Microprose, I'm sure that wasn't the case

 With GP3, and considering previous development troubles/squabbles
with GP2 (via now-disolved Microprose), I think Crammond did just
that; I think he did it "his way". Heck within 4 years, he may have
done the whole thing on his own (not a bad idea for him).

 From all posts, it's obvious he used GP2's main code as the base for
GP3. Several years ago, Crammond (in an online interview) even stated
he was going do this. Not a bad idea either, as GP2 worked, and was
never patched.

  Crammond is no fool. If pre-order claims are true, and if he
receives (at the very least) $5.00 for each copy sold, he should be
able to make $1-million come August 10th. Another 3-12 months, maybe
another several million.

  Not sure if I want to purchase GP3, but I really admire Crammond's
marketing skill.

  Hmmm, I wonder if Crammond is (distantly-remotely) related to Bill


>>How about GC taking a *big* vacation and actually started
>>developing GP3 1 or 2 years ago...

>I think it's more like he's a do-it-yourself kind of person. Which was
>great in the DOS days, but leaves you seriously undermanned in the
>modern era. A typical game team has have 5-10 programmers. Four years
>= 20-40 person years of programming. So when a title's in development
>for that long, people expect a LOT.

>I don't know this for a fact but that's how it seems to me. It would
>explain the pieces of old legacy code still*** around, and might
>even explain the inexcusably bad user interface (i.e., he didn't have
>the time or skill to fix it, and wasn't willing to trust someone else
>to do it?).

>Joe McGinn
>Radical Entertainment


4 years

by Joe6 » Sun, 30 Jul 2000 04:00:00

> Remembering delays/problems (threat of lawsuit, etc.) with GP2, I'm
>quite sure Crammond promised he would never make another F1 sequel,
>unless he had complete control over the entire project.

Nothing wrong with that. But control isn't the same as needing to do
everything yourself.

Joe McGinn
Radical Entertainment


4 years

by teehol » Sun, 30 Jul 2000 04:00:00

 I dunno... I think he got pretty "burnt" on GP2, and probably decided
to do GP3 his way. Perhaps with only Crammond, Cooke, Surplus &

 I agree with you though; too tight of control, and we all get to see
what happens (not much).

 He'll make a bundle on GP3, but GP4, hmmm, geez, probably...

 (if it were me I wouldn't even bother with a GP4, after the last GP3
"killing"). is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.