This is probably a VXD problem in your Windows operating system. I had
similar problems and I found a great site that has a VXD fix batch file and
instructions -- here's the scoop:
What are .VXD's and why does Windows 98 need a fix?
Windows 95 and 98 both use a compression technique to theoretically speed up
Windows load time, which combines many system VXD's into one monolithic VXD
file named VMM32.VXD. However, theory and the real world have been proven
not to work 100% of the time.
The results for many users of Windows 98 are:
System instability
BSOD's (Blue Screen Of Death)
Mouse lockups
Problems during Shut Down.
Screen suddenly freezes, ALT+CTRL+DEL will not recover.
If YOU have experienced these problems, this fix alone may eliminate them
.VXD's are Virtual eXtended Device drivers, and Windows uses them to control
the function of such things as:
Your mouse.
The hardware you modem uses. (Comm Port)
Your Video Display Adaptor (Video Card)
And others
Visit their site for a "fix":
Or go to their FAQ file for more info:
I didn't use their batch file, but I did read over the FAQ, and then I
extracted the "magic 7" VXD files manually, and it really helped my lockup
problems. I HIGHLY recommend this if you're having lockups -- think of it
as a system "tuneup."
-- JB
>The title says it all, really...I have a couple of games (GP500, SBK, TOCA)
>that freeze, and the only way to get out is to switch the on/off button.
>Now, what's happened that would make a game do this? Is it out of memory?
>it DirectX? Drivers? I'm determined to get to the bottom of this, cos it's
>hell of a pain in the arse.
> System specs: AMD K6 II 400, 128 Mb RAM, SB Live, Voodoo3 2000....any help
>putting me in the right direction would be appreciated.
>Colin Harris
>ColinHarris in N3/NL
>Proud co-owner - CLONE N.Legends league
>ICQ 25485061