suspect. I had similar problems with my Banshee Blaster card in D3D games
before I applied the VXD fix mentioned elsewhere
(, but once I "freshened" my
VXD files, the D3D problems went away. It's not uncommon for things in the
Win95/98 OS to become corrupted and degrade over time (must be a Microsoft
"feature"), so I wouldn't blame the game programmers.
Hope this helps.
-- JB
>>none of these...I have no screensaver, the power saver is set
>to never, and
>>I don't overclock...any other ideas? What actually happens is
>that the
>>screen freezes, and whatever sound is playing in the background
>loops over
>>and over again...
>Well this just happened to me while under yellow (NR99) at
>Daytona with 5 to go!! What happened after that was alot of
>swearing and frustration, amybe a bit uncalled for as I was in
>36th position at the time:)
>This only happens to me in NR99 (always under a caution) and a
>couple of D3D games. Fortunatly not in GPL or SCGT though:)
>The problem with the D3D games is My Savage 4 card. I don't
>know about NR99 though as this happened before I had the Savage
>4. Could be sloppy programming by Papyrus, like when your car
>goes inside another one! I wouldn't dare to suggest such a
>thing in this forum though.
>>Colin Harris
>>ColinHarris in N3/NL
>>Proud co-owner - CLONE N.Legends league
>>ICQ 25485061
>>> If your PC is overclocked it can be because it is getting too
>>> > The title says it all, really...I have a couple of games
>(GP500, SBK,
>>> TOCA)
>>> > that freeze, and the only way to get out is to switch the
>on/off button.
>>> > Now, what's happened that would make a game do this? Is it
>out of
>>> Is
>>> > it DirectX? Drivers? I'm determined to get to the bottom of
>this, cos
>>> a
>>> > hell of a pain in the arse.
>>> > System specs: AMD K6 II 400, 128 Mb RAM, SB Live, Voodoo3
>>> help
>>> > putting me in the right direction would be appreciated.
>>> > --
>>> > Colin Harris
>>> > ColinHarris in N3/NL
>>> > Proud co-owner - CLONE N.Legends league
>>> >
>>> > ICQ 25485061
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