Coal powered I presume :)))
Ponder this...
Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?
If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?
Barry Stoch - Warped Racing
> correctly)!
> (I have added an inch in ten years!!!)
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------
> > > "Don't worry"??!!!!!!
> > > Gawd......I'd be DELIGHTED if it looks like that old sample!!
> > That's because you won't see the difference on that 15" monitor of
> > yours, but some of has moved on beyond the Amiga :-)))
> > Beers and cheers
> > (uncle) Goy
> > "Team Mirage"
> > "The Pits"
> > * Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
> > "Spamkiller"