>> > Hi all...anyone know of a good utility to map the various f keys (f1,
> f2,
>> > f3, etc) in n2003 to your wheel buttons?
>> > I am using a black momo but have locked up three times trying to use a
>> > button to view the race reports through logi's software. I haven't
> locked
>> up
>> > n2003 in ages. I would like to experiment with a third party program.
> Ran
>> a
>> > few races with the profiler off and no problems.
>> So do you run N2K3 from the profiler? I don't. I don't even run it and
>> I
>> have no lockup problems.
> I run n2k from the desktop icon but the profiler is running in the
> background. Sorry I always post in a hurry. So I shut down the profiler
> but
> lost the use of my buttons to view f1, f2, etc.
> DC
I've been using the Wingman Profiler since I got my red Momo, it works fine
with N2003 to view all the F functions, the neatest thing is that I can map
one button to scroll thru several screens, F3 fuel, F4 tires, F5 temps, F
whatever to fix damage, and finally back to F2, just before I pit so I can
make changes easily as I approach the pits. Maybe your Profiler install is
whacked? Have you tried re-installing, or getting the latest version? I have
mine set to run at startup, so it's always on, one of the few things I allow
to run in the background ALL the time. For me, it has always worked,
Good Luck,