Mapping keys to joystick buttons, possible?

Mark Dybal

Mapping keys to joystick buttons, possible?

by Mark Dybal » Mon, 09 Dec 1996 04:00:00


I would like to map my joystick buttons to keypresses so that I can use
the two extra buttons on my GP1 wheel for functions in GP2 (pit and
pause).  i.e. button 1 on stick B generates ENTER and button 2 on stick
B generates SPACE.

Does anyone know of any DOS software to do this?


Mark Dyball


Mapping keys to joystick buttons, possible?

by RUGGER » Fri, 07 Feb 1997 04:00:00

> I would like to map my joystick buttons to keypresses so that I can use
> the two extra buttons on my GP1 wheel for functions in GP2 (pit and
> pause).'s possible....You can use've used it with Flight
Simulator 5.1 and also with F1 GP2....
It works great !!

Have a good fun !!


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