Do you plan to support MGI, ISI, and EA in a similar manner? Viper
Racing, SCGT, F1 2000, and NFS:PU are all excellent products that go
quite a ways towards furthering the state of realism in driving/racing
simulations. These games all exhibit realistic driving and physics
models that aspire towards the GPL end of the spectrum, and each of
these titles helps bring greater overall diversity to the genre, thus
attracting more potential sim racing enthusiasts, which in turn helps
increase the possibility that we will see more realistic simulators
from game companies in the future.
Papyrus is at the mercy of Sierra/Havas -- ultimately, Papyrus will
only produce what their corporate masters allow. To limit our support
to one company such as Papyrus only sends one message to game
developers in general: Realistic racing simulations do not sell unless
they're from Papyrus. With this kind of a message, all that we can be
sure of is that we probably continue to see an endless string of NASCAR
titles from Papyrus, since the NASCAR license is obviously Papyrus'
number-one moneymaker.
Which is great if you love NASCAR sims and nothing else, I suppose.
This doesn't necessarily seem like the best path to achieving something
like a turbo-era F1 simulation with GPL-calibur physics, though.
In the end, while it is admirable to vote with your wallet and to
follow your heart, you still have to make sure that the brain comes
into play somewhere in the process.
-- JB
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Before you buy.