Browsing through the FAQ I noticed some specs on various performances
for different machines and grahpics cards. Although not terribly
important, some people may interested in the difference I noted
between my two grahpics cards.
I have a P133 (Dell) which used to have a #9 Vision 300 card (S3 864
chipset). With this card the machine had a processor occupancy of
(typically) 10-15%.
I then "upgraded" to a #9 Imagine 128 card and my processor occupancy
shot up to 50-60%. The reason, I believe, is that the I128, while
being a damned fast Windows accelerator (using a #9 custom chipset),
has pretty meagre DOS performance (it uses a low-spec Cirrus Logic
chipsety for VGA/SVGA stuff).
The m***of the story is that the graphics card apparently makes a
HUGE difference.
I am now wondering if, P133 notwithstanding, I'll have the wellie to
run F1GP2. Any ideas?
Cheers, Ian
Ian Reid _--_|\
Dept of Engineering Science / \
(01865) 273168 v