> > What does it mean if my processor occupancy is over 100%?
> > Julian
> >If your settings for frame-rate are ex. 20, and your occupancy is over
> >100%, it means that the game cant reach the 20 frames.
> >However, its does NOT slow the game down.
> >It is simply another way of telling the framerate.
> >Im not sure if the occupancy is linear, if it is, it would mean that 20
> >frames, occupancy 200%, gives you a framerate of 10.
> >Normally you would want a occupancy around 100, because that means that
> >your computer is 100% booked...
> >LB
> Is that statement above true? I thought the game ran at the framerate you specified
> no matter what the occupancy was. I thought the occupancy was just a way to tell
> you that your computer wasnt able to calculate everything and thereby running the
> game a bit slower (not true time), but at the same framerate and graphics.
> Could anyone shed some light on this..
matter what. If the Processor Occupancy shows 200 and you have a
framerate of 20, it means that it can omly compute 10 frame per second
but will keep on showing 20, therefore 1 second of racing will be spread
across 2 seconds of your time.