gpl demo


gpl demo

by Lee » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i would
ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean totally
unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car jumps 30
metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
atleast try the game.

pci 64 sound
latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it in
stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy it
14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

cheers for any help


William Yowel

gpl demo

by William Yowel » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or a Voodoo
add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group, there are
those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so it would
run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other reason to
upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with two
Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
Bill Yowell

> ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i would
> ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean totally
> unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car jumps 30
> metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
> atleast try the game.
> g400
> 128mb

> pci 64 sound
> dx7a
> latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

> also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it in
> stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy it
> 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

> cheers for any help

> Lee

Brett C. Camma

gpl demo

by Brett C. Camma » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Everything I've heard indicates that the demo really doesn't do the
game justice.  (dumb, but that seems to be the case)   I had my hands
on a copy of GPL the other day when I stopped in a T.J. Maxx store to
pick up a new belt.  Had to ask my wife to slap it out of my hands as
I couldn't seem to let go of it... <g>   It was priced at $12.99.  See
if there's a nearby T. J. Maxx and, if so, stop in and scrounge
through their software rack.

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL


gpl demo

by Lee » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

cheers brett, but florida is a bit far to travel from the uk :-)

Jan Verschuere

gpl demo

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Not For GPL!! ;-)

Seriously, your trouble with the demo probably stems from using the G400.
Also, I think (maybe someone can confirm), the demo is v1.0 of the gpl.exe,
which, again I think, won't run using the OpenGL Glide wrapper.

My advice: pick up a V2 on the cheap and prepare to lose your life to a
racing sim.


> cheers brett, but florida is a bit far to travel from the uk :-)
> <Snip>

Jan Verschuere

gpl demo

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Thanks. I wasn't sure about my stuff, but I felt I should answer his plight
as I, briefly, remembered myself 2 years ago, with a P133 Voodoo1
combination, getting a truly miserable 11fps out of the GPL demo.

Had to try and convince him, GPL's worth every bit you put into it. Which,
in my case, includes 2 PC upgrades, a cable modem connection and countless
hours (sad, huh?).


Richard Walke

gpl demo

by Richard Walke » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

The latest demo, from is based on version 1.2 of the game, and
*does* work with the OpenGL patch (beta2).

Sadly though, the OpenGL patch is terrible.  For systems < 600 MHz, it
seems that a 3dfx/Voodoo card will easily outperform the equivalent OpenGL
card setup (TNT, G400, S4 etc.).

A sad sate of affairs for me too, since I have a 400 MHz K6/2 and a
TNT2Ultra.  :-(


"You think you lost your love, when I saw her yesterday."

Dave Henri

gpl demo

by Dave Henri » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

> It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or a Voodoo
> add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group, there are
> those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so it would
> run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other reason to
> upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with two
> Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
> Bill Yowell

  Well Bill, if you are like me, you spent those thousands of dollars
on a PIII system not for wimpy GPL, but to see another program in it's
TRUE GLORY!  If your like me you got 100mhz memory and cast aside your
old Rendition system just so ONE PARTICULAR PROGRAM really really
Yessir...I'm betting your into Windows Solitaire just like I am....
dave henrie
ps...Lee, it's the Matrox.  The demo has no D3D or opengl capability.
I've heard some folks say Matrox has upgraded their GPL patch, but I'm
not sure how effective it is.  If you have a free pci slot or two..
a couple of 3dfx V21000's would make GPL shine.

> > ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i would
> > ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean totally
> > unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car jumps 30
> > metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
> > atleast try the game.
> > g400
> > 128mb

> > pci 64 sound
> > dx7a
> > latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

> > also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it in
> > stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy it
> > 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

> > cheers for any help

> > Lee


gpl demo

by Lee » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

sorry dave i would rather go without the game than go back to a 3dfx based
card after having matrox`s for the last 18mths, v1,v2 and a banshee, they
just dont get a look in after using this card. this isnt flamebait or
anything but i prefer quality rather than quantity.


> > It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or a
> > add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group, there
> > those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so it
> > run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other reason
> > upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with two
> > Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
> > Bill Yowell

>   Well Bill, if you are like me, you spent those thousands of dollars
> on a PIII system not for wimpy GPL, but to see another program in it's
> TRUE GLORY!  If your like me you got 100mhz memory and cast aside your
> old Rendition system just so ONE PARTICULAR PROGRAM really really
> shined.
> Yessir...I'm betting your into Windows Solitaire just like I am....
> dave henrie
> ps...Lee, it's the Matrox.  The demo has no D3D or opengl capability.
> I've heard some folks say Matrox has upgraded their GPL patch, but I'm
> not sure how effective it is.  If you have a free pci slot or two..
> a couple of 3dfx V21000's would make GPL shine.

> > > ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i
> > > ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean
> > > unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car
jumps 30
> > > metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
> > > atleast try the game.
> > > g400
> > > 128mb

> > > pci 64 sound
> > > dx7a
> > > latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

> > > also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it
> > > stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy
> > > 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

> > > cheers for any help

> > > Lee

Dave Henri

gpl demo

by Dave Henri » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

  No problem there,  but a V2 sitting in the PCI slot that is used only
for gpl, that doesn't seem to be too much of a sacrifice.  You can still
set up your system to run everything else through the Matrox.
dave henrie

> sorry dave i would rather go without the game than go back to a 3dfx based
> card after having matrox`s for the last 18mths, v1,v2 and a banshee, they
> just dont get a look in after using this card. this isnt flamebait or
> anything but i prefer quality rather than quantity.

> cheers
> Lee

> > > It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or a
> Voodoo
> > > add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group, there
> are
> > > those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so it
> would
> > > run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other reason
> to
> > > upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with two
> > > Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
> > > Bill Yowell

> >   Well Bill, if you are like me, you spent those thousands of dollars
> > on a PIII system not for wimpy GPL, but to see another program in it's
> > TRUE GLORY!  If your like me you got 100mhz memory and cast aside your
> > old Rendition system just so ONE PARTICULAR PROGRAM really really
> > shined.
> > Yessir...I'm betting your into Windows Solitaire just like I am....
> > dave henrie
> > ps...Lee, it's the Matrox.  The demo has no D3D or opengl capability.
> > I've heard some folks say Matrox has upgraded their GPL patch, but I'm
> > not sure how effective it is.  If you have a free pci slot or two..
> > a couple of 3dfx V21000's would make GPL shine.

> > > > ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i
> would
> > > > ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean
> totally
> > > > unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car
> jumps 30
> > > > metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
> > > > atleast try the game.
> > > > g400
> > > > 128mb

> > > > pci 64 sound
> > > > dx7a
> > > > latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

> > > > also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it
> in
> > > > stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy
> it
> > > > 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

> > > > cheers for any help

> > > > Lee

Tim O

gpl demo

by Tim O » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 00:29:22 +0100, Richard Walker

>Sadly though, the OpenGL patch is terrible.  For systems < 600 MHz, it
>seems that a 3dfx/Voodoo card will easily outperform the equivalent OpenGL
>card setup (TNT, G400, S4 etc.).

>A sad sate of affairs for me too, since I have a 400 MHz K6/2 and a
>TNT2Ultra.  :-(

Richard, I think it's your AMD killing your frame-rate, and not the
TNT2. I have TNT's in a 400mhz Pentium II, and a 350mhz K6/2.
The Pentium literally doubles the frame rate on many games, despite
the meager 50mhz clock speed advantage.

Since the TNT is more processor dependant than the Voodoo cards, I
think you'll find GPL runs better on your AMD with a Voodoo2.

I ended up pulling the V2 out of my Pentium to help the K6/2 deal with
newer games/sims.
It does help, but my P2 with the TNT and OpenGL patch still runs
faster than the K6/2 with Voodoo2.



gpl demo

by Lee » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

r u supposed to be able to have a race in the demo as all i can do is



>   No problem there,  but a V2 sitting in the PCI slot that is used only
> for gpl, that doesn't seem to be too much of a sacrifice.  You can still
> set up your system to run everything else through the Matrox.
> dave henrie

> > sorry dave i would rather go without the game than go back to a 3dfx
> > card after having matrox`s for the last 18mths, v1,v2 and a banshee,
> > just dont get a look in after using this card. this isnt flamebait or
> > anything but i prefer quality rather than quantity.

> > cheers
> > Lee

> > > > It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or
> > Voodoo
> > > > add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group,
> > are
> > > > those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so
> > would
> > > > run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other
> > to
> > > > upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with
> > > > Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
> > > > Bill Yowell

> > >   Well Bill, if you are like me, you spent those thousands of dollars
> > > on a PIII system not for wimpy GPL, but to see another program in it's
> > > TRUE GLORY!  If your like me you got 100mhz memory and cast aside your
> > > old Rendition system just so ONE PARTICULAR PROGRAM really really
> > > shined.
> > > Yessir...I'm betting your into Windows Solitaire just like I am....
> > > dave henrie
> > > ps...Lee, it's the Matrox.  The demo has no D3D or opengl capability.
> > > I've heard some folks say Matrox has upgraded their GPL patch, but I'm
> > > not sure how effective it is.  If you have a free pci slot or two..
> > > a couple of 3dfx V21000's would make GPL shine.

> > > > > ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i
> > would
> > > > > ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean
> > totally
> > > > > unplayable,  something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car
> > jumps 30
> > > > > metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo
out to
> > > > > atleast try the game.
> > > > > g400
> > > > > 128mb

> > > > > pci 64 sound
> > > > > dx7a
> > > > > latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

> > > > > also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had
> > in
> > > > > stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to
> > it
> > > > > 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

> > > > > cheers for any help

> > > > > Lee

Jan Verschuere

gpl demo

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Practise only... you need to buy the game to enjoy getting your behind
kicked by the AI. ;-)


> r u supposed to be able to have a race in the demo as all i can do is
> practice?

> cheers

> Lee

> <snip>

Speedy Fas

gpl demo

by Speedy Fas » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

I made the same mistake.  I tried the Demo.  The demo does NOT work on
many machines.  It was horrendous on my computer.  I purchased the
game and it works incredible on my machine (C466, V3-2000, 128mb).
The sim itself is a phenomenom.

>metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
>atleast try the game.

>pci 64 sound
>latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.

>also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it in
>stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy it
>14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,

Order online.

gpl demo

by Lee » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

pisser, ah well cheers


> Practise only... you need to buy the game to enjoy getting your behind
> kicked by the AI. ;-)

> Jan.
> =---

> > r u supposed to be able to have a race in the demo as all i can do is
> > practice?

> > cheers

> > Lee

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