> It's probably your video card. It needs a Rendition (obsolescent) or a Voodoo
> add-on card. Well worth it. It you have been following this group, there are
> those who have spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their machines so it would
> run at 36 fps with all detail on. (Not me, there was some other reason to
> upgrade to a PIII 550, I just can't remember it now - actually, with two
> Voodoo2 cards, it ran well on my 200 MMX.)
> Bill Yowell
Well Bill, if you are like me, you spent those thousands of dollars
on a PIII system not for wimpy GPL, but to see another program in it's
TRUE GLORY! If your like me you got 100mhz memory and cast aside your
old Rendition system just so ONE PARTICULAR PROGRAM really really
Yessir...I'm betting your into Windows Solitaire just like I am....
dave henrie
ps...Lee, it's the Matrox. The demo has no D3D or opengl capability.
I've heard some folks say Matrox has upgraded their GPL patch, but I'm
not sure how effective it is. If you have a free pci slot or two..
a couple of 3dfx V21000's would make GPL shine.
> > ive read so much about the game and how good it is, so i thought i would
> > ahve a look but the demo runs like a bag of the proverbial, i mean totally
> > unplayable, something like 2 frames ps no detail nothing, the car jumps 30
> > metres at a time its that bad. can anyone help me sort the demo out to
> > atleast try the game.
> > g400
> > 128mb
> > pci 64 sound
> > dx7a
> > latest drivers for all. any help much appreciated.
> > also phoned about 8 different comp shops to find a copy noone had it in
> > stock, game pc world e boutique few independants, i was going to buy it
> > 14.99 cheapest at game, now i just want to get the demo to run,
> > cheers for any help
> > Lee