gpl demo

Richard Walke

gpl demo

by Richard Walke » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

> On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 00:29:22 +0100, Richard Walker

> > Sadly though, the OpenGL patch is terrible.  For systems < 600 MHz, it
> > seems that a 3dfx/Voodoo card will easily outperform the equivalent
> > OpenGL card setup (TNT, G400, S4 etc.).

> > A sad sate of affairs for me too, since I have a 400 MHz K6/2 and a
> > TNT2Ultra.  :-(

> Richard, I think it's your AMD killing your frame-rate, and not the TNT2.
> I have TNT's in a 400mhz Pentium II, and a 350mhz K6/2. The Pentium
> literally doubles the frame rate on many games, despite the meager 50mhz
> clock speed advantage.

Mmmnnn, yes, but a Pentium II has faster L2 cache, doesn't it?

Yes, since my mate has a similar system to me, but with a Voodoo 2, and it
works a *lot* faster.

Ah!  So if I have a beefy enough processor (e.g. Athlon 700!) I could quite
happily get away with my TNT2Ultra and the OpenGL patch?

What frame rates (and graphics detail) to people get with the OpenGL patch?

I am going to upgrade my processor some time this year, but I'd like some
idea of what processor people are using to get GPL to work OK with a TNT
card.  I know it will be more expensive than a Voodoo card, but a faster
processor would also benefit my other games.


"Someday when I'm lonely.  Wishing you weren't so far away."


gpl demo

by snak.. » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

That's it.  If it isn't a 3dFX or a Rendition it's not NATIVELY
supported by GPL, and hence will suck.  Go get the OpenGL patch, make
some tweaks, and then it should run better.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Tim O

gpl demo

by Tim O » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 13:11:10 +0100, Richard Walker

>Ah!  So if I have a beefy enough processor (e.g. Athlon 700!) I could quite
>happily get away with my TNT2Ultra and the OpenGL patch?


I've read other people write that they peg at 36fps with the Athalon
and GeForce. I'm staying around 30 other than at the starts with a
full field on my 32mb TNT2.
I'm running at 800x600 and the mirror refresh set to 3 (if I remember

Something that gave me a nice increase in framerate and fixed the
mirror flashing was changing the Flipping Control from 2 to 0 in the
registry. I actually found the tip here in RMD.

I'm using the newest drivers, and the setting was in:


You simply need to change the last number to a 0.
Mine initially appeared as 0x00000002 (2)
I changed it to 0x00000000 (0)

E-mail me if you need more info.


Richard Walke

gpl demo

by Richard Walke » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

> On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 13:11:10 +0100, Richard Walker

> > Ah!  So if I have a beefy enough processor (e.g. Athlon 700!) I could
> > quite happily get away with my TNT2Ultra and the OpenGL patch?

> I've read other people write that they peg at 36fps with the Athalon and
> GeForce. I'm staying around 30 other than at the starts with a full field
> on my 32mb TNT2. I'm running at 800x600 and the mirror refresh set to 3
> (if I remember correctly).

Sounds OK... but what CPU is this?

I would only use 640x480, or possibly 800x600 - the picture has to look on
on my TV!

Thanks for the tip.


"Have you seen the bigger piggies In their starched white shirts."

Tim O

gpl demo

by Tim O » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

On Mon, 01 May 2000 11:52:26 +0100, Richard Walker

>> > Ah!  So if I have a beefy enough processor (e.g. Athlon 700!) I could
>> > quite happily get away with my TNT2Ultra and the OpenGL patch?

>> I've read other people write that they peg at 36fps with the Athalon and
>> GeForce. I'm staying around 30 other than at the starts with a full field
>> on my 32mb TNT2. I'm running at 800x600 and the mirror refresh set to 3
>> (if I remember correctly).

>Sounds OK... but what CPU is this?

>I would only use 640x480, or possibly 800x600 - the picture has to look on
>on my TV!

Athlon 700, same as you originally mentioned up there.


Richard Walke

gpl demo

by Richard Walke » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

> On Mon, 01 May 2000 11:52:26 +0100, Richard Walker

> > > I've read other people write that they peg at 36fps with the Athalon
> > > and GeForce. I'm staying around 30 other than at the starts with a
> > > full field on my 32mb TNT2. I'm running at 800x600 and the mirror
> > > refresh set to 3 (if I remember correctly).

> > Sounds OK... but what CPU is this?

> Athlon 700, same as you originally mentioned up there.

Excellent!  I suppose I'll have to start saving!  :-)


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