beautiful that game looks!! Ofcourse not important, but the intro
movie is allready superb. And the game itself looks just stunning.
The usual camera views in-game, lots of them, but one cam position is
really special. It's an in-helmet cam :) You only see a narrow field,
just like you see when you're looking through a helmet.
When you enter a corner, the cam automatically flows to the apex.
I had to drive 2-3 laps to get used to this, but after that it was
wonderfull, imo something that should be implemented in every other
racing sim.
It reminds me of the first flight sim which used a camera-lock to a
locked target, just like a real pilot keeps following his target with
his eyes (it was Falcon 3 if I remember correctly). After that one,
every other flight sim also used this.
I drove a couple of laps around Brazil. I don't know every inch of the
Brazilian track by memory, so I can't comment on the accuracy of the
track, but it felt good to me. What really was good was the banked
parts of the track. The helmet cam rolls to the left and to the right,
you really feel the banking.
Normally I would have bought the game immediately, I buy allmost all
racing sims. But I'm a little short on cash this month so I will wait
a little. I can't comment on the physics, I was so overwhelmed by the
gorgeous graphics and only could drive a couple of laps, that I
couldn't really test everything good enough.
Thinking back, I think the physics don't feel as good as in F1 2000,
but on the whole the driving experience feels great.
I only had a problem with the braking, don't know what was wrong, but
I had to brake much to soon for the corners. I turned the braking help
on, and before every corner the computer braked for me, but it locked
the brakes heavily, spinning me out of every corner!
Probably a setup / brake bias setting wrong.
Oh boy, if GP3 will look as good as this and has a decent physics
model... yummie...