As we have witness, the current version of DirectX 7.0 is just not
compatible with all of Thrustmaster products line. First, the Windows
Game Controller Applet will first reports game devices NOT CONNECTED.
This is because DX7 raises the game port threshold into higher ranges
proventing Windows from detecting most devices. Second, Thrustmaster
products with an Activator software, like the Nascar Series wheels,
the AttackThrottle or the Millenium Inceptor 3D, will give an error
saying CPLEXTLAUNCHER.EXE caused a general protection fault. Finaly,
all USB devices will either double themselves or reports, again, NOT
CONNECTED. This is also a problem with other USB devices such as
cameras and scanners. Until Microsoft can come out with an updated
version of DX7, I is not recommended to use it. If you already have
installed DX7, you can force the reinstallation of your sound card
drivers, making sure the file VJOYD.VXD is being replace. This will
reset the threshold for the game port, reconnecting the devices.
The latter is from
PCI Soundcards Warning:
Due to constant evolution, soundcards are now more powerfull then
ever. As a result, they also require more power. This is why then tend
to overheat and, in time, not output enough voltage in their
gameports. This used to be a rare, but acknoledged problem with older
Multi-I/O cards and some ISA soundcard. But it is now a common and
general problem with simply all new PCI based cards and the entire
Thrustmaster line, as well as other games devices manufacturer's. That
is why we no longer produce game devices using standard gameport
technology, and use USB instead. At this time, the only solution to
this problem is adding a speed ajustable game card such as our ACM
game card or similar.
The latter is from
How to clean potentiometers:
Potentiometers can get dirty very quickly. This is not a question of
usage, it's actualy a question of non-usage. By not being used, like
on a store shelves, dust can accumulate inside the potentiometer
preventing proper electrical connection.
Dirty potentiometer is a very common problem in which you will witness
what is called "spiking" or erratic behaviour. You will recognize this
when your products moves by itself or jumps around. It can also cause
dead spots.
You can easily clean the potentiometer. The best cleaning solution
would be a graphite base non-oil lubrifiant, but you can use regular
Locate the potentiometers inside the unit (looks like a volume control
knob). You will see on the back a very little knotch in which you can
spray the contact cleaner. Give the potentiometer a little twist and
enjoy your play time.
The latter is from